#35 Singin' the Washday Blues....

I like the concept, but still not 100% sold on the execution. Would love feedback! Thanks.
Without tint

With tint
Without tint

With tint

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sadly,, that was a 100% blue load, but my daughter's turquoise shirts seemed to tint everything! Oy. I may need to play around with the wb or somesuch and see if I can nudge it away from the green side of the spectrum...
In the meantime, she's down with suspected H1N1 and in bed feeling thoroughly sorry for herself.... plenty of "blues" goin' on upstairs, but none that are photograph-able, really!
Sorry mini-Diva is sick. Hope she gets better soon.
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IDEA! - I wonder is there some way to introduce a waterproof light into the wash that bathes the whole load in blueness??? probably both a silly and over the top idea but I had to share it since it popped into head.
#1 sure is the better of the two it just needs to be more blue somehow.
Thanks Sean. Actually, that's two exposures - one of dry clothes in the washer with the flash IN the machine, (controlled remotely and the door open), and the other taken with the door closed and the water streaming in once I'd started the load. Cloning out the flash-head was the hardest part of this in fact - I'm using an ste2 to trigger which requires line-of-sight, so I couldn't hide it IN the clothes and had to have it propped up...
Hmmm. I think I need to try this again. Now i just have to find more blues to wash before the challenge closes.....
Aha! I mistakenly thought that we were looking at a wash through the window of a horizontal washing machine. I see now that this is shooting down into a vertical one. It makes much more sense now.
the things we go through to get a shot! my husband looks at me like i'm crazy half of the time. a commonly used phrase from him, "Now what are you doing?"
Anyway I like the concept, and I like #1 better...I forgot if you use lightroom or not? I'm just wondering if there's a way you can change the hues of the turquoise without turning the whole thing blue, and without having the clothes the same color blue, and also up the saturation on the jeans..
or another thing I thought of, what if you made it a load of JUST blue jeans??.. just thinking outloud here.
No, it's a front-loader, so you were right the first time.....
Yup. I was sitting there at midnight last night taking pictures of.... the washing machine (???!!!)
Have been playing with LR sliders - I started this one in PS due to needing to do layers, so hadn't really tweaked it in LR yet. That will be the Night Owl project du jour, I suspect!!
Aaack! :confused - I'm all topsy turvey now.
Edit: How is MiniDiva? [sorry I forgot to ask in the first pass of this reply...]
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Inquiring minds want to know.
Hope she's OK.
I seem to be agreeing with sherstone a lot lately, much better! I too want to know how that little super star of yours is doing!
Is that so bad?
Yes, how is miniDiva doing?
La Petite is marginally better, but with this flu that's only Phase 1 - I'm hearing from parents and doctors that the dangerous part is the backlash secondary infection that comes with it, which leads to a vicious bacterial pneumonia. So, even though fever is down and today she's better enough to be bored (!!), the cough is now starting, so I fear we're not out of the woods yet.....
Don't know about where you all are around the world, but it's pretty bad in this neck of the woods - lots of really sick kids. :cry If you haven't got this thing yet, get the vaccine when it's available (too late for us, I fear... sigh) and become handwashing fools! I poo-poohed the whole thing as media hype initially and, while I do think that they've cherry-picked the statistics to make it sound as alarming as they can (possibly unecessarily), it IS a bad one and it IS severely affecting 100% healthy kids. Take all the precautions you can. :soapbox