Some shots from today - Japanese Tea Garden

I posted a few of them in landscapes.. but thought these would be better here. I was just pretty much scouting for a place to shoot some portraits this coming weekend, but thought i'd snap a 100 or so.. :rofl




#5 (the better half)


thanks for looking




#5 (the better half)


thanks for looking
Interesting compositions and perspectives.
About another month or so and the Japanese Maples there will be spectacular and a breathtaking setting for Portraits or Landscapes.
There's some interesting places to shoot over by the Botanical Gardens, behind the Main Building.
Kindest Regards,
Burleson, Texas
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
In #5, perhaps it would help to edit out those pinpoint flash reflections in your better half's eyes? The view through the window is exquisitely blurred and exposed, though. It has a rather impressionistic quality. Beautiful work.
#3 is imaginatively framed. Very nice.
I like the circular ripple in the water in #2, but I'm sorry, I can't say what those brown things on the grass look like... sorry. I'm sure they must be some kind of plant material, but that's not what they look like, especially the OOF ones.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
Lauren Blackwell
Hey Craig - the main point of this trip was just to scout some locations, and i did find a few behing the main building that I will give a shot. As far as the maples in a month.. can't wait.
Thanks Andrew - I'm pretty sure they are roots.. but i'll have to confirm. I just thought they looked interesting enough to snap one.
many thanks Craig - on #5, doh.. can't believe i missed that. I will repost that one and try to maybe do a little cropping on #2. again, thanks for the kind words.
Thank you Lauren - I will post some up after the shoot. i hope to have the same kind of weather/lighting that i had for these.
I also fixed the flash reflection in #5 (udpated original post)