Gotta Love His Eyes
I just started editing this session and have literally only a handful done, but I couldn't wait to share a few. This is my own little guy, at 9 months. I'll post more later, when I get them out of raw mode- they're edited, but not yet jpeg.

This image is the same as above, but I can't decide on which crop... what do you think? Input please!


This image is the same as above, but I can't decide on which crop... what do you think? Input please!

What are you using for background and reflection in the last two??
I have been wanting to pick up some yellow too. Is yours seamless paper or something else?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
My Photostream
Love the first one!!
His expression on #2 says "Is she always going to be flashing that thing at me?"
I'm thinking the crop on #3. Love how you got the reflection looking straight at you!! I'm impressed!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
The mirror is a flex mirror from The lighting for the mirror shots was window light (behind me) and one flash, bounced off of ceiling. You can see other mirror shots I've done on my blog, and as soon as I get the time, I will be posting set-up shots with directions on how to do it. Here's the blog address if you are interested:
AND here are a few more from the yellow background session:
His expression just cracks me up here.
My Photostream
I got the 32x24 and it works great for babies. I have him pictured here with only half body (as I had to crop it to hide boy parts, since he wouldn't lay on his belly
I bet they'll ship to Europe.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
I like the mirror shots, but because everthing in the shot is so sharp and 'good' it takes a while for me to focus on the 'correct' baby if you know what I mean & smugmug
Oh and the mirror shot is great, I prefer the second crop