a behind the scenes peek @Kerry

I was contemplating this morning how quiet Kerry (Llywellyn) has been this last while. I know she has said that things have been very busy for her but is she still posting pictures?
You bet! every once in a while I like to go take a peek at the images that inspired and pushed me so much in these challenges.
Here is one of her latest that I quite like.
Keep posting pictures Kerry and remember how much we all appreciate the time and effort that you selflessly volunteer to us, keeping the challenges going.
Thank you!
You bet! every once in a while I like to go take a peek at the images that inspired and pushed me so much in these challenges.
Here is one of her latest that I quite like.
Keep posting pictures Kerry and remember how much we all appreciate the time and effort that you selflessly volunteer to us, keeping the challenges going.
Thank you!
It's true things have been crazy hectic for me these past six weeks. I'm sorry I've gotten so quiet and haven't been able to pop in as much as my norm. Thankfully, things are now slowing back down...so I can finally catch up and stick my nose back in to things!
Last week I was actually out in California with aktse learning some lighting expertise from Joe McNally. Here's a sneak preview of what I learned.
Still shooting, though maybe not as much as I used to. Or should. :photo
Cool! I was wondering why you were on the West coast but did not feel it was my place to ask.
Right you are Sean. The first image that got my attention when I finally figured out what a Dgrin was was that wonderful pastel Apple of hers: Luscious!.
Thanks Kerry!:D
I was actually out there for a work conference. The McNally workshop dates were just really fortuitous since I would already be out there on business, so I extended my stay.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Thanks for posting this Sean! I have had the pleasure of meeting Ms Llywellyn in person, and can confirm that she's as much fun IRL as she is online
Kerry, can't wait to see how you put that lighting knowledge to use - your shots ALWAYS inspire me, so looking forward to seeing whatever you share next!
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Sorry! I did post in the Shootout threads that I wouldn't be attending. Maybe next year? Or any time you're in D.C.
Not sure what honey wanted her to do with it but you gotta go check it out in her galleries for
world of the day. http://www.theoriginalblackcat.com/Galleries/Word-of-the-Day/4235287_z9vPi#334896028_3d2fK
Her dedication and creativity inspire us all. I miss seeing what she will come up with next.