DSS #35 - Blue - Last Chance

I got a new camera, to replace my Hurricane Bill rogue wave D90 loss. I now have a D700. It's amazing. I have spent the majority of this challenge either waiting for it to arrive, or learning all of the new buttons. I haven't gone out thinking "Blue." But as I look at Lightroom, I do have a lot of blue in there. So here are some choices, some of which I have already posted. Just help me to decide which one to enter.
1. Blue Sunflower

2. Cisco Cloudscape

3. Miacomet October Sunset

4. Shucking Blue Eyes

Thanks for your help!
1. Blue Sunflower

2. Cisco Cloudscape

3. Miacomet October Sunset

4. Shucking Blue Eyes

Thanks for your help!
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#2 is a close second, but I like the contrast provided by the sunflower more.
#3 is too much orange
#4 amazing subject, just not enough blue in this image.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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For me it is #2.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
Ha ha!
Those are all excellent images. 1 and 2 are your best bet for the theme. I guess I'd go with #2 since the flower is the focal point to #1.
Nice work!
Love that scallop shot!
I can go with number 2. But, just out of curiosity, does it work if I de-emphasize the flower in number 1?
but the main focal still seems to be the flower.
As photographs, I like 1 and 4 best.
I probably would enter #1 in the cropped version, which I find much more interesting than #2 . How successful it would be in this challenge depends entirely on how the judges think about the theme, and as we know that is a crap shoot.
To me, the blue is made stronger in the sunflower shot by the contrasting colors - so it meets the theme in a more interesting way than a photo that is essentially all blue. Blue as enhancer! The power of color.
The sky is a safer entry, but to me, while beautiful, just not as interesting.
As usual, just my 2 cents fwiw. (Not much here in France at the moment!)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
2 is beautiful.
peace, g