If you had a choice, which product would you manufacter and why?
I am looking at a possibility of re-locating to India. If I go over there, I was wondering what I would do there. One idea that came to me was to manufacture a photography product(s) and market it around the world.
Products like: Tripods, Snoots, Lightstands, ball heads, or any other accessories(I can't think of them all).
I need your help.
So, I am curious, if you had a choice, which photography related product would you consider manufacturing and why?
If something already exists, in your mind, how would you differentiate yourself? Build quality? More bells and whistles? Client Service? Economical? and so on.
Products like: Tripods, Snoots, Lightstands, ball heads, or any other accessories(I can't think of them all).
I need your help.
So, I am curious, if you had a choice, which photography related product would you consider manufacturing and why?
If something already exists, in your mind, how would you differentiate yourself? Build quality? More bells and whistles? Client Service? Economical? and so on.
From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
Nikon 50/1.8, Tamron 28-75/2.8 1st gen, Nikkor 12-24/4, Nikkor 70-200/2.8 ED VR, SB600, SB900, SB-26 and Gitzo 2 Series Carbon Fiber with Kirk Ballhead
From Nikon D70s > Nikon D300s & D700
Nikon 50/1.8, Tamron 28-75/2.8 1st gen, Nikkor 12-24/4, Nikkor 70-200/2.8 ED VR, SB600, SB900, SB-26 and Gitzo 2 Series Carbon Fiber with Kirk Ballhead
Why? Cause prototyping is easy (diy) and once it works it should be cheaper to produce tha heads or tripods. Finally less can go wrong so less risk.
The best part is the effects of light mods seem very subjective.
Other Gear: Olympus E-PL1, Pan 20 1.7, Fuji 3D Camera, Lensbaby 2.0, Tamron 28-75 2.8, Alien Bees lighting, CyberSyncs, Domke, HONL, FlipIt.
~ Gear Pictures
I have several friends who are reps for various photo industry manufacturers, who all have told me the smae thing: even with an exc ellent product, the major problem in the USA is marketing and distribution. The number of camera stores in the USA has dropped by 50%, with many products now being sold in the 'big box' arena: Wal-Mart, Costco, BJ's, etc. or online, as well as Adorama, B&H. They are only willing to carry so many lines of a given type of product (tripods, filters, bags, etc.). They have told me of excellent, well priced new products ( particularly carbon fiber tripods from China, Taiwan) that have no significant USA, Canada, or European distribution due to exiting product lines. So, keep this in mind. Good luck.