Changing existing gallery from EZ to Bay issue
I am slowly transitioning my printing from EZ over to Bay because they ship so quickly and I like how they package the prints. The problem I am having is in switching existing galleries over from EZ to Bay. I would like to leave my prices the same to my customers but I can't figure out how to (easily) do that. If I just use the set prices function to go from EZ to Bay it wipes out all the existing prices and gives me zeros meaning I have to reload all the prices. That wouldn't be so bad if I used the same prices for all of my galleries, but my prices vary slightly depending on my costs for the day (did I have to travel further, do I have a smaller pool to sell to, etc.). The "copy prices from another gallery" command won't work either unless I have a Bay gallery already set up with the prices I want.
To summarize, how do I switch an existing "EZ" gallery over to Bay without having to reload the prices one by one?
To summarize, how do I switch an existing "EZ" gallery over to Bay without having to reload the prices one by one?
Holler if you have questions.
Support Hero
Set your Bay pricing for one gallery (shortcuts could include % increase for example, or using two windows and copy/pasting pricing from an existing price list).
Then after the new pricing is set and saved, open the pricing page, and click 'galleries' from along the top. This tool lets you apply one price list to many other galleries all at once. It will be very fast.
Word of caution - all merchandise is from EZPrints, so if you offer both prints and merchandise your customers will pay for shipping from two labs.
Holler if we can be of further help.
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My customers (football moms) order a few prints and a button, and they are having to pay a fortune (compared to the order size) in shipping. The first call that I received, I told them there must be a mistake, and had to eat my words and be doubly shamed when I was forced to admit that I was wrong, and yes, shipping really was that much because she chose (unknowingly) to use two fulfillment centers. I know that the order page now tells you that shipping may be higher... but the customers think they are ordering from me!
I LOVE Bay, and they offer some products, why can't we use them and consolidate shipping?