How to make money from this hobby?
Let's say you're passionate about wake up before the crack of dawn to take pix, you drive out in blizzards to catch that special shot, etc etc.
How does a guy who has a regular job make money from his portfolio? What different ways can he make money from his pictures? Just looking for some direction. As you can tell, I'm new to this but have a lot of potential.
Secondly, how do you showcase your pictures on the net without fear of them getting 'stolen'? Sorry for the newbie questions.
thanks, JZ
How does a guy who has a regular job make money from his portfolio? What different ways can he make money from his pictures? Just looking for some direction. As you can tell, I'm new to this but have a lot of potential.
Secondly, how do you showcase your pictures on the net without fear of them getting 'stolen'? Sorry for the newbie questions.
thanks, JZ
There are tons of ways to make money part time. Get some quality prints done and have local businesses hang them. Sell images to the local newspapers and magazines (pick up a copy of the Photographer's Market). Determine who your potential clients are and get your portfolio in front of them.
Most importantly, learn the business side. Taking spectacular images is great, but if you don't know who to sell them to, you will starve.
There is no completely safe way to put images on the internet. The best that you can do is, limit the size, watermark, and right click protect.
Showcasing your work is important, so keep the balance when limiting the size and watermarking. Just accept the fact that some images will be stolen, and do your best to market your images to the right people.
Also, register your copyrights....
Definitely get yourself a copy of Photographer's Market.. You can also find friends & family that need portraits done, if you're in to that type of thing.
Write a business plan and be a real business. Research your profits, and your costs.
Did you know that every time you push your shutter button it costs you money?
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
Superb advice. Don't forget to factor in gas, food, batteries, and all the little things that go into the coming and going to a shoot. Research the permit fees, the parking fees, and tolls. You would be shocked at how fast these little things add up.
Remember that everything will have to replaced. Lights, flashes, lenses, cameras, umbrellas, stands, tie downs, backdrops, tape, reflectors, bags, and the list goes on and on.
Sit down and have a long honest talk with your accountant and lawyer. Good ones are worth their weight in gold.
You can learn a lot from the many experienced people who post on this site- I'd suggest taking some time every day and start reading "Mind Your Own Business" - just start reading , going back through all the old posts, and eventually you will get a feel for how to market your photos, and as you learn more, you will know what specific questions to ask about your own specific situation.
Have fun reading and good luck!