Right-Click Warning in Easy Customizer squashed by Bottom JavaScript changes
It looks like if you have anything in Bottom Javascript under Advanced Customization (like the Download Button, for instance), that this overrides any future changes to the Right-Click Warning.
The problem is this:
- Change right-click text in Easy Customizer
- Change Bottom Javascript in Advanced Customization to include some code
- Change right-click text again in Easy Customizer
Expected behavior:
- Right-click text should change
Actual behavior:
- Right-click text does not change until I add the rightClickWarning variable to Bottom Javascript with the desired changes.
The problem is this:
- Change right-click text in Easy Customizer
- Change Bottom Javascript in Advanced Customization to include some code
- Change right-click text again in Easy Customizer
Expected behavior:
- Right-click text should change
Actual behavior:
- Right-click text does not change until I add the rightClickWarning variable to Bottom Javascript with the desired changes.
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Is there any workaround code I could put in there to accomplish the same thing as the easy customizer does?
Sorry I wasn't clearer. Workaround is pretty painless:
Add to your Bottom JavaScript: