Just wanted to say thanks.
Not so very long ago my wife and I were lying in bed and like most of you, said, "why not"? One month later I'm staying up way too late to write this before driving to Daytona tomorrow to do a small paying gig at Biketober fest.
That night, we knew we wanted a website but for the life of us we had NO idea how we were going to actually sell anything. Cristiani went googling for a shopping cart. Three nights later we had a site, five nights later we had a gallery and one week after that we made our first sale. I think we made four bucks. We danced around the living room tickled pink. Best four bucks ever.
Today, after all the incredible forum support both sticky's and posts and shameless copying of Moon River
we have a site that people seem to really dig, it navigates seamlessly, looks great, the order fulfillment is painless, forum support, email support, the ability to customize EVERYTHING, EASILY! For 150 bucks?!?!?! A YEAR!!?!?!?! I would challenge anyone to show me a product which allows you to launch a business in exactly one week for virtually any price.
But thats not why I'm writing.
For the last 25 years I've made a pretty decent living. Never once did my paycheck answer to my soul. Now, I might be working for about (oh....after post processing all my horrid mistakes) roughly .25 cents an hour, but guys, and I really do mean this with all sincerity and tears in my eyes.. I've never been happier.. Thank you, thank you all.
Steven n Cristiani
That night, we knew we wanted a website but for the life of us we had NO idea how we were going to actually sell anything. Cristiani went googling for a shopping cart. Three nights later we had a site, five nights later we had a gallery and one week after that we made our first sale. I think we made four bucks. We danced around the living room tickled pink. Best four bucks ever.
Today, after all the incredible forum support both sticky's and posts and shameless copying of Moon River

But thats not why I'm writing.
For the last 25 years I've made a pretty decent living. Never once did my paycheck answer to my soul. Now, I might be working for about (oh....after post processing all my horrid mistakes) roughly .25 cents an hour, but guys, and I really do mean this with all sincerity and tears in my eyes.. I've never been happier.. Thank you, thank you all.
Steven n Cristiani
Seems like you like the bike thing, and there's some sick bikes where you are. One thing I'd recommend for increasing sales from event shoots is lock down any size above Medium. Getting professional level shots from events is difficult since it's not a shoot, and a marginal shot will turn into a "right-click save" versus a quality metallic print from Bay Photo that will really make you shine.
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