Fisheye star trail fun

Here's a trail shot I did a couple of nights back, 2 hours 20 minutes worth of exposures (68 x 121 sec + 3 second gaps)

And the light display version

As a curiousity, if you stack a trail set the 'wrong way around', the result is a mildly disturbing starless sky - with a milkyway shaped glow.

Tell me what you think!

And the light display version

As a curiousity, if you stack a trail set the 'wrong way around', the result is a mildly disturbing starless sky - with a milkyway shaped glow.

Tell me what you think!
I was surprised at first to see Polaris so high in the sky, but then I noticed your .fi email address...
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
There are faint traces all over the place, but Polaris is indeed the only one standing out at all.
The very same technique
I used that last one as a background I could tone separately from the stars for the current round of DSS.
Polaris looks lower in the fish-eye than it actually is. It's sitting at 60 degrees up here.
Thanks for the comment!
Vincent, by Don MacLean?
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Thank you both very much
Thanks for the compliment
I shot a long series of exposures and stacked them in Photoshop CS3. I simply imported all images from Lightroom as layers and turned all blending modes to Lighten. This effectively makes a maximum value stack.
It's also possible to make the layers into a smart object and select Maximum as the stacking method. However this way it's not possible to use individual masks (the big red light in the middle of the frame was masked out, this way there are gaps the trail only in that region).
I used a decent, fixed tripod so no alignment necessary.
Yeah, digital trades complexity for flexibility.
Hang on, there's a star trail thread here somewhere which should be a good read...
Found it .
Thank you Nik
Thank you very much Stephen and Mary