Maslow's Triangle

Not exactly but almost, if you don't know Maslow's hierarchy of needs check it on wikipedia

Shot this picture about 2 years ago in Lahore it is from same day when i shot the "Flying high" photo.

Shot this picture about 2 years ago in Lahore it is from same day when i shot the "Flying high" photo.
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal
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Hey Dan, if i am not wrong you are related to training and management stuff
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Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Yes. I have been practicing Organizational Effectiveness for more years than I care to admit Awais, and I do a substantial amount of leadership training.
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Seriously, though, this is a powerful photo. Your angle is perfect as is your timing for the passerby.
Okay - as many of you know, one of the very few 'rules' I have in my classes is the "no bums" rule. I tell my students that I do not want to see photos of homeless people for a number of reasons: they generally are taking advantage of their subjects; the photos are "cheap" - that is they are attempts at drama that aren't dramatic and tell us nothing; photos of homeless people are cliche's. There are, however, exceptions to the rule, and the two main exceptions are photos of the homeless in which you really engage with your subject; spend time with them; get to know them, and tell us about them with your photographs. OR - photos that approach the subject in a different way, that show contrasts, ambiguity. And this is one of the latter.
Really, really good, strong image, Awais! Nice work!
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Nice work Awais. You are building a nice portfolio of your world.
I agree with everything said above. I also have a problem with photos of the homeless and the more unfortunate among us - and am glad to see it stated as B.D. has here.
I also agree that this is more than just one more exploitative, opportunistic photo - it's documentary in its highest form; both creative and sensitive, very well done. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
thanks everyone for appreciating my effort.
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