smugmug.albums.get - Categories are Wrong
Some, but not all of my category names are wrong in smugmug.albums.get, though the names are correct in my SmugMug gallery. The call I am making is:,Passworded,Position,Title,EXIF,ImageCount,LastUpdated,Larges,XLarges,X2Larges,X3Larges,Originals,External,HighlightID,PasswordHint,Printable,Share,CanRank,Comments,Keywords,Geography
At first I though my application had a bug in it, but I've confirmed a bug at the API end from a browser.
The name mismatches are as follows:
Airplanes should be Other
Computers should be Hobbies
Professional should be Friends
Holidays should be Photography,Passworded,Position,Title,EXIF,ImageCount,LastUpdated,Larges,XLarges,X2Larges,X3Larges,Originals,External,HighlightID,PasswordHint,Printable,Share,CanRank,Comments,Keywords,Geography
At first I though my application had a bug in it, but I've confirmed a bug at the API end from a browser.
The name mismatches are as follows:
Airplanes should be Other
Computers should be Hobbies
Professional should be Friends
Holidays should be Photography
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SmugMug API Developer
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SmugMug API Developer
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