Took a hike today.

135L f/8

18-55 f/8 (2 seconds)

135L f/11 (2 seconds)

135L f/8 (fill flash used)

50 f/8 (2 seconds)

50 f/22 (10 seconds)

As usual comments welcomed.

18-55 f/8 (2 seconds)

135L f/11 (2 seconds)

135L f/8 (fill flash used)

50 f/8 (2 seconds)

50 f/22 (10 seconds)

As usual comments welcomed.
hey, im from Western North Carolina too! (I go to Brevard College in Brevard, NC). You've got some good shots there. Your macros of the flowers are well balanced - real sharp foreground and blurred background...excellent. The last two shots are the only ones I dont care for...the second-to-last just seems too chaotic with the rhododendron (perhaps crop the top off a bit?) and the last shot could use a little contrast and brightness adjustment.
We are both so blessed to live in such a beautiful place - keep shootin.
-John Muir
Nature Photographers Community
Founding Member
Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life...Picasso
flowers really pop for sure
20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates
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