#35 - Last ditch effort...

Alright, here are my latest thoughts... if neither of these look like decent entries, then I'm entering the U@ pic from my cell phone 
Both shot at the UF homecoming parade on Friday.


Thanks for the feedback, guys! This challenge has been so full of good ideas and great shots from all of you that it's been a little intimidating for me!

Both shot at the UF homecoming parade on Friday.


Thanks for the feedback, guys! This challenge has been so full of good ideas and great shots from all of you that it's been a little intimidating for me!
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ETA: sorry Kinkajou I didn't comment on your photos. I personally like the second one better.
I agree with Dan, even just reducing the saturation of the background to make the band "pop".
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
I'm not a big fan of SC, probly cuz a lot that you see (including my own. lol!) just aren't successful. But I am curious to see what this one would look like. I think with this being a Blue challenge and with the amount of blue in this image, it could be one of the successful ones! Just my opinion of course. Hope if you give it a try, you'll share it with us, even if it doesn't turn out. Just curious. :B Nelson.
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
In #1, I'm a bit bothered by the blue line in back of her head. I like the reflections on the glass. The tilt doesn't bother me.
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
Thanks so much for the comments!
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original with a crop
background slightly desaturated
background more desaturated
I'm going with the second one because the third looks too artificial to me.
Thanks again for the feedback!
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