Gallery style??
I just created a new gallery and I wanted it to be seen by my viewers as "Journal"; however when I change the field in that gallery's customization window it changes all of the galleries on my site to Journal. I would like to leave my other galleries as gallery style "Smugmug". Is this possible?? I'm talking gallery style, not theme - I do have different galleries with different themes. Let me know. Thanks.
If you are changing it in the gallery customization window, it will change just that gallery.
If you are changing it with the syle button in the gallery, the style you choose will be used for all galleries with a viewer-controlled style until you change it again.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Denise- Wow that was fast!! I am changing the style in the gallery customization window. After reading your response, I figured out that the problem was that my other galleries are all set to "Viewer controlled", not "SmugMug". When I go in and change each individual gallery to "SmugMug" or something other than "Viewer controlled" it works. Thanks.