*ENTRY* Thread DSS #36: Creepy or Crawly



  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited October 21, 2009
    Mark the thread is safe no balloon --only copys of the entries <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/eek7.gif&quot; border="0" alt="" >

    I do have to say I am sorry to divamum --I just read this
    Public Service Announcment Request
    <HR style="COLOR: #575757" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->since lots of folks are squeamish about creepies and crawlies, can I just put in a plug here for clear headers on the feedback threads? While my personal phobia is snakes, I know plenty of people are weirded out by spiders, mice and other critters so on behalf of my fellow wimps, can I respectfully request that anything truly creepy and crawly be identified as such so we can avoid it?

    Ta ever so :D
    now that maybe would have made me think twice but at my age lots of times I have to think 3 or 4 times these days . But what did she mean by this --1 results for: foibles
    Main Entry: foible audio.png!foi-bul
    Pronunciation: \ ˈfȯi-bəl \
    Function: noun
    Etymology: obsolete French (now faible), from obsolete foible weak, from Old French feble feeble
    Date: circa 1648
    <TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD><TR><TD class=di_rn vAlign=top>1. </TD><TD class=di_rm>1the part of a sword or foil blade between the middle and point
    </TD></TR><TR><TD class=di_rn vAlign=top>2. </TD><TD class=di_rm>2a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior :
    if it is #1 now I may lose sleep or buy a snake <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/deal.gif&quot; border="0" alt="" > <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/headscratch.gif&quot; border="0" alt="" >
    Jeff W


  • Mad CatMad Cat Registered Users Posts: 75 Big grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    sherstone wrote:
    Whole horror movie epic series have been launched on that fear. A fear which is highly warranted I might add. (They freak me out too, oddly enough)
    DUDES: Clowns and Dolls are the scariest of the scariest. Keep your eyes open!eek7.gif
  • Mad CatMad Cat Registered Users Posts: 75 Big grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    HoofClix wrote:
    They came to get me last night, but as they had a lot of tests to do on me and they couldn't guarantee they'd bring me back by the eve of November 1st, they said they'd be back November 2nd sometime after the noon hour..

    Glad you struck some sort of deal with them... if I run into you - can you get me out of there as well??? Just make something up about us being cousins or something.... thanks.rolleyes1.gif
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    lilmomma wrote:
    I'm 27 and I still do that! My 3 year old thinks i'm nuts!rolleyes1.gif

    what freaks me out most is those bugs that lay their eggs in your skin, i've seen discovery shows where people come back from somewhere in the middle of south america with larve under their skin... :::shiver::: I don't think that happens in missouri, or I hope not anyway. Ticks are bad enough!
    Oh...we have several species of bugs that do that...parasitic...microscopically small....and When your skin sloughs off or your brains turns to goo.....well.......!:D

    Assassin bugs, Cistercicosis, Streptococcus-A,
    Ring Worm...to name a nasty few~
    tom wise
  • KinkajouKinkajou Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    angevin1 wrote:
    Oh...we have several species of bugs that do that...parasitic...microscopically small....and When your skin sloughs off or your brains turns to goo.....well.......!:D

    Assassin bugs, Cistercicosis, Streptococcus-A,
    Ring Worm...to name a nasty few~

    I can testify that ringworm is not going to do anything crazy to you... it's a fungus, not a worm, and is treated with an anti-fungal ointment and/or medication. I know this because I picked it up from a neighbor's cat and had it on my neck on my THIRTIETH BIRTHDAY. Talk about embarrassing...

    The under-the-skin stuff though... that is really really terrifying! Having been to Central America and planning a trip to Tanzania next summer... I better get over that fear right quick ;)

    Anyone remember that episode of the X-files that had the circus guy with his little, weird, mutated brother living IN HIS SIDE? And it would pop out and scramble around and do horrible things... God, that was one of the scariest and most disturbing movies/shows I've ever seen.

    Spread the love! Go comment on something!
  • lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    angevin1 wrote:
    Oh...we have several species of bugs that do that...parasitic...microscopically small....and When your skin sloughs off or your brains turns to goo.....well.......!:D

    Assassin bugs, Cistercicosis, Streptococcus-A,
    Ring Worm...to name a nasty few~

    I'm talking about the ones that you see the doctors pull out with tweezers, they look like big grub worms under the skin, yuck......just thinking about it creeps me out...along with most bugs and spiders. But I love snakes and frogs. ne_nau.gif

    nightpixels, i think i'm going to have to check out that movie..sounds pretty cool!
  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    If you haven't seen "National Geographic: The Photographers", see it, it's incredible.

    Sounds interesting. Just added it to my Netflix queue.
    Llywellyn wrote:
    Watching Dexter provides plenty of inspiration

    My wife and I love that show! <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif&quot; border="0" alt="" >
  • HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    OK, so Divamum, I will this weekend be covering a hunter show, my only one this year under my own name.. It's a "Classic" show, so Sunday will be full of braids.. Count on me putting you up some "hunter-eye-candy" to look at early week....

    The only thing creep crawly about is will be a Saturday evening costume class... We never know what creatures will show up for that one..
    www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    HoofClix wrote:
    OK, so Divamum, I will this weekend be covering a hunter show, my only one this year under my own name.. It's a "Classic" show, so Sunday will be full of braids.. Count on me putting you up some "hunter-eye-candy" to look at early week....

    The only thing creep crawly about is will be a Saturday evening costume class... We never know what creatures will show up for that one..

    Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..... iloveyou.gif I'll be looking out for it in happy anticipation!! (which I do for ANY of your show shots - just cuz I'm a pantywaist-ex-hunter-gal doesn't mean I don't fully appreciate the other stuff!! rolleyes1.gif)
  • Mad CatMad Cat Registered Users Posts: 75 Big grins
    edited October 22, 2009
    Llywellyn wrote:
    OMG--dolls! I used to have a nice ceramic doll collection, but some time near the end of middle school, they started to seriously freak me out. I put them all in boxes and hid them under the bed, but then I started to worry they would be upset with that treatment, sneak out of their boxes, crawl up the bedcovers, and attack me at night. I asked my parents then to put them in the attic. But I never felt safe until they were all sold later in a garage sale.

    Dolls still get me. This one was in my hotel in Stockholm this summer, and I worried it would launch out of its swing at me while I was taking the picture. lol3.gif

    Your Stockholm Doll kicks butt! I really don't care much for dolls or clowns either, for some reason. I have a real problem with people who wear sunglasses at night so you can't see their eyes.....eek7.gif
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    lilmomma wrote:
    I'm talking about the ones that you see the doctors pull out with tweezers, they look like big grub worms under the skin, yuck......just thinking about it creeps me out...along with most bugs and spiders. But I love snakes and frogs. ne_nau.gif

    Admittedly I don't know, not working in a doctors office I haven't seen much of that. In fact we actually put maggots in flesh wounds to help eat necrotic tissue. Where I have worked, here in an ICU environment, I have had the distinct pleasure of removing worms from the back of my patients throat....does that count as creepy? or simply crawlie?

    tom wise
  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    ...ew, ew, ew, ew, EW.


    EW! umph.gif
  • lizzard_nyclizzard_nyc Registered Users Posts: 4,056 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    angevin1 wrote:
    lilmomma wrote:
    I'm talking about the ones that you see the doctors pull out with tweezers, they look like big grub worms under the skin, yuck......just thinking about it creeps me out...along with most bugs and spiders. But I love snakes and frogs. ne_nau.gif

    Admittedly I don't know, not working in a doctors office I haven't seen much of that. In fact we actually put maggots in flesh wounds to help eat necrotic tissue. Where I have worked, here in an ICU environment, I have had the distinct pleasure of removing worms from the back of my patients throat....does that count as creepy? or simply crawlie?

    Oh man! Some good ole maggot debridement therapy for necrotizing fasciatiis would be creepy AND crawly--get a nice close up of that--with your patient's permission of course and a nice lengthy consent form signed first--wouldn't want you to lose med mal insurance coverage
    Liz A.
  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    Can we go back to clowns? That's plenty creepy, right? :twitch
  • lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    angevin1 wrote:
    Admittedly I don't know, not working in a doctors office I haven't seen much of that. In fact we actually put maggots in flesh wounds to help eat necrotic tissue. Where I have worked, here in an ICU environment, I have had the distinct pleasure of removing worms from the back of my patients throat....does that count as creepy? or simply crawlie?
    Oh man! Some good ole maggot debridement therapy for necrotizing fasciatiis would be creepy AND crawly--get a nice close up of that--with your patient's permission of course and a nice lengthy consent form signed first--wouldn't want you to lose med mal insurance coverage

    PLEASE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rolleyes1.gif

    angevin i've never seen it in person, only on tv...but still I can't imagine. and I don't know what necrotic tissue is but i'd probably rather leave it then have maggots in my wounds....or you'd have to knock me out first.
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    Llywellyn wrote:
    Can we go back to clowns? That's plenty creepy, right? :twitch

    uhh huhh!
    tom wise
  • angevin1angevin1 Registered Users Posts: 3,403 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    Llywellyn wrote:
    ...ew, ew, ew, ew, EW.


    EW! umph.gif
    Actually Kerry, that was up your way in Arlington~:D
    tom wise
  • LlywellynLlywellyn Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 3,186 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    angevin1 wrote:
    Actually Kerry, that was up your way in Arlington~:D

    At least it was avoidable and nowhere near my physical being. Not like the attack of the cicadas when I first moved here seven years ago. That was the most disturbing, disgusting thing I have ever experienced. And I will sure as heck be moving before they come back again in ten years. Blech.
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited October 23, 2009
    Llywellyn wrote:
    At least it was avoidable and nowhere near my physical being. Not like the attack of the cicadas when I first moved here seven years ago. That was the most disturbing, disgusting thing I have ever experienced. And I will sure as heck be moving before they come back again in ten years. Blech.

    Ah yes.... the cicadas. I'm not from roun' these here parts and I had NO CLUE about the cicada thing. Gross indeed... and I'm not remotely squicked out by bugs, so if I thoughtit was icky, I truly feel for those who are bugophobic. Must have been horrid for you.

    The thing I found truly disturbing thing about cicadas is the NOISE - omg they are SO.FREAKIN.LOUD. (btw, piece of trivia: the 1951 version of War of the Worlds used a recording of a cicada year as the sound the spaceship made. There ya go - factoid of the day, courtesy Mr Diva rolleyes1.gif)
  • Mad CatMad Cat Registered Users Posts: 75 Big grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    lilmomma wrote:
    PLEASE NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! rolleyes1.gif

    angevin i've never seen it in person, only on tv...but still I can't imagine. and I don't know what necrotic tissue is but i'd probably rather leave it then have maggots in my wounds....or you'd have to knock me out first.

    Hi there... just wanted to comment on the whole "necrotic tissue" thing. I have worked in nursing homes off and on for most of my adult life. Necrotic tissue is usually the black muscle tissue seen on the elderly after they have been bitten by a recluse spider. Necrotic literally means... dead. Muscle tissue on arms or legs turn black because there is no blood flow to those cells... Most of the time you will see it in their lower extremeties - ankles, thighs, calves, ets. That has been been my experience at least.
    This is one of the reasons I finally quit working in that field. It's kind of funny how a layman like myself can look right at a wound on the leg of an elderly person and determine what the cause is. - Yet when they arrive at the ER in an ambulance all the doctors look at the patient, then look at her insurance, and determine that they have no idea what is causeing the necrosis. The lady I am thinking of in particular was dead in less than 48 hours, basically , because she didn't have the right insurance.

    This is supposed to be a photo forum and a lot of fun for everyone and I think maybe it's time for me to take my personal issues and disapear for a month or two. If I've upset or depressed anybody I really apologize. I have really had great fun interacting with all you great people. Every single one of you is a Star. If I'm still welcome I look forward to talking to everyone in a month or so.... for now I need to go. Best Wishes to Every Single Grinner on The Planet... w/mc
  • lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    Mad Cat wrote:
    Hi there... just wanted to comment on the whole "necrotic tissue" thing. I have worked in nursing homes off and on for most of my adult life. Necrotic tissue is usually the black muscle tissue seen on the elderly after they have been bitten by a recluse spider. Necrotic literally means... dead. Muscle tissue on arms or legs turn black because there is no blood flow to those cells... Most of the time you will see it in their lower extremeties - ankles, thighs, calves, ets. That has been been my experience at least.
    This is one of the reasons I finally quit working in that field. It's kind of funny how a layman like myself can look right at a wound on the leg of an elderly person and determine what the cause is. - Yet when they arrive at the ER in an ambulance all the doctors look at the patient, then look at her insurance, and determine that they have no idea what is causeing the necrosis. The lady I am thinking of in particular was dead in less than 48 hours, basically , because she didn't have the right insurance.

    This is supposed to be a photo forum and a lot of fun for everyone and I think maybe it's time for me to take my personal issues and disapear for a month or two. If I've upset or depressed anybody I really apologize. I have really had great fun interacting with all you great people. Every single one of you is a Star. If I'm still welcome I look forward to talking to everyone in a month or so.... for now I need to go. Best Wishes to Every Single Grinner on The Planet... w/mc

    Mad Cat, i'm a little confused by this, I thought we were all just having fun and sharing our fears about things that creep us out. The story you have shared is very sad, and it is aweful that things like that happen in our country. i sincerely apologize if what I said brought up bad memories for you. But that was not my intent, it was more of a way to prove a point of just how much maggots creep me out. again i apologize and hope you reconsider leaving.
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    lilmomma wrote:
    Mad Cat, i'm a little confused by this, I thought we were all just having fun and sharing our fears about things that creep us out.

    15524779-Ti.gif Ditto - did we cross a line somewhere? headscratch.gif
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    Just imagine SOOC + creepy now wouldn't that be fun mwink.gif [oy]
  • richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    sherstone wrote:
    Just imagine SOOC + creepy now wouldn't that be fun mwink.gif [oy]
    Be careful what you wish for. :smack

    Kerry checks this thread. lol3.gif
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    richtersl wrote:
    Be careful what you wish for. :smack

    Kerry checks this thread. lol3.gif

    I was meant to be a facetious remark :D
  • richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    sherstone wrote:
    I was meant to be a facetious remark :D

    rolleyes1.gifI know, I just enjoy busting chops every now and then.
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    richtersl wrote:
    rolleyes1.gifI know, I just enjoy busting chops every now and then.

    Sean (consider me busted - lol) :D

    btw I figured so but I had to use my big fancy sounding word for the day. (cough)
  • lizzard_nyclizzard_nyc Registered Users Posts: 4,056 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    Mad Cat wrote:
    Hi there... just wanted to comment on the whole "necrotic tissue" thing. I have worked in nursing homes off and on for most of my adult life. Necrotic tissue is usually the black muscle tissue seen on the elderly after they have been bitten by a recluse spider. Necrotic literally means... dead. Muscle tissue on arms or legs turn black because there is no blood flow to those cells... Most of the time you will see it in their lower extremeties - ankles, thighs, calves, ets. That has been been my experience at least.
    This is one of the reasons I finally quit working in that field. It's kind of funny how a layman like myself can look right at a wound on the leg of an elderly person and determine what the cause is. - Yet when they arrive at the ER in an ambulance all the doctors look at the patient, then look at her insurance, and determine that they have no idea what is causeing the necrosis. The lady I am thinking of in particular was dead in less than 48 hours, basically , because she didn't have the right insurance.

    This is supposed to be a photo forum and a lot of fun for everyone and I think maybe it's time for me to take my personal issues and disapear for a month or two. If I've upset or depressed anybody I really apologize. I have really had great fun interacting with all you great people. Every single one of you is a Star. If I'm still welcome I look forward to talking to everyone in a month or so.... for now I need to go. Best Wishes to Every Single Grinner on The Planet... w/mc

    ne_nau.gif I've been out of the loop for a day and I feel like I've missed something. I'm not sure what happened--but I'm looking forward to having you back in a month or sooner.
    Liz A.
  • sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    ne_nau.gif I've been out of the loop for a day and I feel like I've missed something. I'm not sure what happened--but I'm looking forward to having you back in a month or sooner.

    ne_nau.gif yes I agree I feel I missed something as well. Wess did something happen behind the scenes that we don't know about?
  • lilmommalilmomma Registered Users Posts: 1,060 Major grins
    edited October 24, 2009
    I feel the same way, and he quoted my post??
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