DSS #35 Unofficial Feedback Thread - Blue

Here is the official gallery to give your C&C for DSS#35
Gallery Found Here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #35!!
This thread is:
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this
Happy Feedbacking :scratch
Gallery Found Here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #35!!
This thread is:
- a place to post a list of your top ten favorites. (be heard, and let everyone know what images moved you.)
- a place to post your "the making of my image"
- a place to ask someone "how did they do that?"(for us all to see:D )
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this
[IMG ]http://challenges.smugmug.com/photos/646702914_YfHpk-Th.jpg[/IMG ]
Happy Feedbacking :scratch
Hey Tom,
It's actually MUCH easier
Click 'Share - Get a Link' at top of gallery and then on the 'Embeddable links' tab. Run through the images to the ones you like and select small images. You can change those to thumbs if you want.
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
SmugMug recently changed the Share function from the galleries. I hadn't noticed the embeddable links section. I will update the feedback thread to reflect the change. I ran a test and it's much simpler. Just go to the gallery, and in the upper right corner there is a pull-down menu named 'Share'. When you click that there is a selection called 'Get a Link'. On the new page there is a tab labeled 'Embeddable Links'. Click on the tab and you can then select the picture you want to link. At the 'Forums' section at the bottom click on the copy button for 'Small'. When you copy this into your post it will show up as a picture. You will need to do a 'Preview Post' to see the actual picture before posting.
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
My top ten in no particular order........
Loved them all though.....
Inspiration is everywhere you look.......
Beauty is in the smallest details..........
Love is a blessing..............................
My camera is my soul to the world.....
Olympus E-620
My faves:
Oooppps--I posted these incorrectly...Will do better next time.
Great job everyone!
My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
Here's my Fav 10. This many entries takes a bit to narrow down. Great job everyone!
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
Standard disclaimers apply..
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Here's my top... um, 15
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
Ack, no, sorry! That share button is supposed to be disabled. My bad. Sorry, folks. :cry
I'm not a judge so I get to make up the rules and choose as many as I like for my list of images that made me stop, click, think, and stop again the next time I looked.
Thanks to all who included "untied" in your picks.
and now to the list:
Here are the ten (in submission order) that made me feel most blue.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
First, thanks to everyone who welcomed me to Dgrin, gave me feedback and included "Reflections on Empty Wine Glasses" in their list.
I can' quite figure out how to embed my top 10 picks here. I don't see a share button on the gallery page. Do I need to be logged in as me or as challenges? Do I try to grab the image from the reply page?
anyway, here are my favorites in no order:
Nevada- Corvette Relections
Angela- Across the Universe
eoren1- Dawn of a New Day
Smithy- Blue Flame
Divamum- Singin' the Washday Blues
MikeK- Americana
Sherstone- untied
danilohegg- Blue Hour
nightpixels- Gentle
lilmomma- Aquatic
Congrats to all and thanks.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
K, so will the original instructions work now that the share button's not there anymore? or would it have worked all along and I just wasn't getting it right? That share button instructions was sooooo easy!! Lol!
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
The first post on this page shows you how to do it...
when looking at the gallery, click on the image you want, copy the url from the address bar and paste it in your post (for the sake of example, I put a space in the url. obviously, that shouldn't be there if you actually want a usable url).
then delete the part of the url after Other/ and up through the # and replace it with Photos/
so it goes from:
http:// challenges.smugmug.com/Other/DSS-35/9858187_qWpDc#672170513_DigVs
http:// challenges.smugmug.com/Other/Photos/672170513_DigVs
then add -Th.jpg to the end of the url before [/IMG] and you should be set
so the final url will look like this inside your [IMG][/IMG] brackets:
http:// challenges.smugmug.com/Other/Photos/672170513_DigVs-Th.jpg
complicated, but after a few tries it's not so bad
Spread the love! Go comment on something!
After all that typing I wonder how easy it actually is, but that is how I do it.
My computer time has been greatly curtailed, but I will try to comment on as many images as I can in the gallery.
Wow, so many fantastic shots! It was hard to choose only 10. Thanks to those that selected my "Forever in Blue Jeans". This is only my second entry into a dgrin challenge. There are so many talented individuals that submitted entries to this challenge. Good luck everyone!
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Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Kinkajou and sherstone...thanks for the coaching. I did get the images to embed using Kinkajou's detailed instructions.
I'm not actually gonna post it because I've already listed my favorites.
Now I'll know for next time.
I appreciate the help.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Thanks to those of you that included my Blue Bubbles photo in your top ten. Shooting those glass shots is a real passion of mine, and I was quite excited to have a challenge theme that would allow me to enter one.
Blue is my favorite color, and I'm just in love with all the wonderful photos that were entered for this challenge.
Best of luck to the finalists.
Maryann (fotomom)
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Good luck everyone!
— Kevin
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I inserted my comments directly under each photo and many thanks to those who took their
time and left their comments under my entry
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