Show Current Pricing before shopping cart?
What are the variable names to retreive the current pricing of a photo?
I would like to display a quick price guide next to the photos; however, I want to still be able to price these photos individually if required so I would like to pull the current pricing info rather than building a static pricelist.
What are the variable names to retreive the current pricing of a photo?
I would like to display a quick price guide next to the photos; however, I want to still be able to price these photos individually if required so I would like to pull the current pricing info rather than building a static pricelist.
Doug Pearson
Chibi Photography
Chibi Photography
<div id=r1></div>
I then use javascript to insert the current price list into that div tag. This means that I can easily update the prices by changing my header, and not going through a very tedious process of changing every single gallery. You can see the result on my webpage:
Notice how the prices don't appear until the page has loaded.
Thank you, this is an acceptable workaround for now. I would still rather see a native function in SM.
I modified your code slightly to avoid showing the pricelist unless in a gallery. I found that the pricelist was showing up in the first description on my category pages and it was slightly annoying.
1) In the javascript section put:
[php]function smHacks(){
if(document.getElementById('r1') != null){
var myString = location.href;
if (myString.indexOf("gallery")!=-1) {
document.getElementById('r1').innerHTML = 'your price list';
Chibi Photography