Pansito (bread)

The weather was cool this weekend and so it was time for our first "baking of the pansito" for the season. My mom and sister came over, and it was my little sister's first time to make the bread (my kids contributed).
I wanted to capture this on "film" for posterity. Sadly I have not yet mastered shots in low light with my regular kit lenses, they are underexposed or have way too much movement or are too noisy, or horrible on camera flash, so I went with the lensbaby which is great in low light. But obviously as you can see, I have not mastered that yet either--but I think I have some keepers.






I wanted to capture this on "film" for posterity. Sadly I have not yet mastered shots in low light with my regular kit lenses, they are underexposed or have way too much movement or are too noisy, or horrible on camera flash, so I went with the lensbaby which is great in low light. But obviously as you can see, I have not mastered that yet either--but I think I have some keepers.







Liz A.
The best part is how they make the house smell--plus the heat had not kicked in yet, and it warmed the place up nicely--football on tv, bread baking in the oven, family over at the house--well it was just a sweet Sunday afternoon/evening.
Thanks for commenting! I'd share if I could--we baked too much, lol.
I love the way you captured motion in the first, and the third is just too cute!!
2 and 4 are good inclusions in the story, but not as stand-alones in the way 1/3 are. The final shots 5/6/7 are nice closers to the series. It seems that without destroying food (with laquers or other substances), it is hard to make it really look great in its natural state.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Yea, where was that motion shot a couple of challenges ago
Thanks Andrew--I seem to be doing things in series form lately. Funny thing about #3 is that she had dug up an egg shell from the trash and was frying it in her pan--took us a while to notice!
I think the lensbaby worked best on the "food" shots, it kept the warm tones I was hoping for but it was hard to keep them from looking bland--but I refuse to laquer, unless it's for a paid gig:D --no worries though, no one is knocking down that door just yet.
Nikon D700, D300, D80 and assorted glass, old and new.