Nikon Coolwalker Portable Storage

Got one this weekend for a soccer tournament. Had to replace my dead laptop with something and this was available. So far, it seems to be an okay little toy. They are discontinued (new model?) so it was on sale. There are no ipod photos available anywhere, that would have been my first choice I think. I'm hoping to track down the Epson version this week and compare as I'd like to see a bigger lcd. Will give a full review after I use it a bit more.
I've been looking at various portable storage/viewing devices too and am curious as to what you think of this one. Let us know what you think and we'll look forward to your review.
It is a nice little device, 30 gig harddrive, accepts RAW files, can speak directly to a printer, you can load it up and then download directly onto the computer or back onto the card.
It can run off of charged battery or by plug in. Easy (straightforward) to use. The door covering the card slot was flimsy. Otherwise, it was very nice.
It has a 2 1/2 inch (approx) lcd. And there in was my problem. I wanted the lcd to be bigger. So I checked out the Epson stats and it has a 3 inch lcd. So I called my trusty camera salesman. In his opinion, the Epson blows the Nikon out of the water in size and color resolution and clarity of the lcd. In his opinion, easily worth the extra $200. But a 2 week wait for them! So I returned the Nikon, and will wait to be able to compare the Epson and the Nikon side by side.
So no review from me for now!
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I have just returned from a trip through Ireland and Scotland for almost a month. Shot just over 20k frames in "fine" resolution on two different cameras. I chose not to take a laptop and used the Epson 2000. Yes it is a bit more expensive, but the display is outstanding! It takes cf and sd cards.
I was typically using 2 gig cf cards and 1 gig sd. The brochure said 1 gig sd was not supported, but I had no problem with them. Mp3 capable etc. The download time is very quick and you can create albums to identify and place your photos. I set up daily albums and also specific catagories ie churches, architecture etc. and was able to copy from album to album as well. Group rotation, deletion etc was simple and straight forward. The rotation function took a bit of time, but the files were large hi-res.
You can view the pictures one by one or create a slide show with fade in/out. You can also zoom in and see how sharp the shot really is. The slide show function was great for conversation with people interested in our trip. A great conversation starter as well...
I bought the P2000 at the end of July - it is a really wonderful device, and you are completely right about the slide show function - mesmerizing. It is much more solidly built than the Nikon Coolwalker, and the lcd is great. My eyeglass perscription is getting worse, and I actually use 2 different ones now - one for close up and another for far work (bifocals here I come!) and I can see everything on the lcd very, very well.
There is quite a long and exhaustive thread here about the P2000 as well.
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