Early Morning Fruit

I came across this in one of the common areas at my office this morning and liked the way the low sunlight was raking across the room. It's something different for me, as I rarely go for this sort of dramatic angle. I had to stand on a chair.
It's hard to tell in this small copy, but DOF does not extend all the way to the upper right corner. I probably should have opened it all the way to f/4 to get more softening of the last couple of tables.
C&C welcome.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EF 17-40 f/4 L USM
1/30 sec. at 28mm, f/6.3, ISO 100
It's hard to tell in this small copy, but DOF does not extend all the way to the upper right corner. I probably should have opened it all the way to f/4 to get more softening of the last couple of tables.
C&C welcome.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Canon EF 17-40 f/4 L USM
1/30 sec. at 28mm, f/6.3, ISO 100
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Camera: Nikon D80, 18-55 f3.5 stocker & 18-200 Nikon VR.... with a small collection of filters..
My Smugmug.. STILL Under construction.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
I think the angled light is quite good, but it is falling on plastic and Formica office furniture, which reduces the impact. I like what you were trying to do, but I think it didn't quite work in this setting.