My pm to jwear....

DIRTY TRICK!!!! :nono
I should have known better when I saw that header!!!!! :uhoh I clicked on it before thinking. DUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH.
I can't even open it again to respond. You can post this pm in the thread if you like (I'm sure plenty of folks will find my revulsion amusing!! Heck, if that shot didn't make me feel like I was going to throw up, **I** would find it amusing!) :wow:cry
I'm now going to go and jibber in a corner somewhere..................:hide
Please... no more slithery things without a clear warning. Aarrgh.
PS I'm phobic enough that in a couple of rounds where people have had snakeyness, I've had to put a post-it over the monitor so I could scroll through the gallery. Seriously - I am THAT bad. Completely and utterly irrational, which is the worst part - I KNOW intellectually that it's only a $*!&#&^!@ photograph, but the adrenaline still goes nuts and panic sets in. Ugh.
PPS Please don't amuse yourselves by putting lots of pictures of ::shudder:: into this thread so I stumble over them by mistake. Please. Pretty pretty please? :hide
I should have known better when I saw that header!!!!! :uhoh I clicked on it before thinking. DUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH.
I can't even open it again to respond. You can post this pm in the thread if you like (I'm sure plenty of folks will find my revulsion amusing!! Heck, if that shot didn't make me feel like I was going to throw up, **I** would find it amusing!) :wow:cry
I'm now going to go and jibber in a corner somewhere..................:hide
Please... no more slithery things without a clear warning. Aarrgh.
PS I'm phobic enough that in a couple of rounds where people have had snakeyness, I've had to put a post-it over the monitor so I could scroll through the gallery. Seriously - I am THAT bad. Completely and utterly irrational, which is the worst part - I KNOW intellectually that it's only a $*!&#&^!@ photograph, but the adrenaline still goes nuts and panic sets in. Ugh.
PPS Please don't amuse yourselves by putting lots of pictures of ::shudder:: into this thread so I stumble over them by mistake. Please. Pretty pretty please? :hide
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Fur is good. Especially fur as cute as that!!! Now that I've slept off the panic I'm laughing - sort-of - at having been rickrolled on dgrin.... I think.... but I am definitely appreciative of fur over scales, thankyousomuch.
(ETA: it's the "cleopatra floating down the Nile" paw on the toy which cracks me up. Hilarious!)
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So ive hijacked your thread, its a snakie therapy thread! hehe Okay so I hope I don't get you made with this!
I'll start with pictures of nice fluffy animals and move down slowly into more intimidating ones! Only scroll down as far as your feel comfortable, then scroll further!
Step 1: Trees
Step 2: Parrots
Step 3: Toucans!
Step 4: Baby Monkeys!
Step 5: Bufferlo!
Step 6: T-REX!
Step 7:Jaguar
Step 8: Alligator
Step 9: Lizard!
Step 10: Spider!
Step 11: Snakey
Step 12: Meditate!
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and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
>puts fingers in ears<
::lalalalala can't SEEEEEEEEEEEE you lalalalalalala::
Alright you guys, enough - UNCLE!!!
Actually on a (semi) serious note, there was a hilariously bizarre program from the BBC a while back called "Britain's Most Unusual Phobias", which included a woman with a dread of kneecaps, another who was terrified of barns, and yet another who was paralyzed by .... frozen peas. While it was indeed funny to hear this poor woman talking about the torture of going down the frozen food aisle, I actually get where she's coming from - the source may be different, but the irrationality and inability to control it are the same. If you've never experienced it, you won't know what I mean, but to anybody who has (regardless of what causes it), it's a very PHYSICAL reaction which has nothing to do with common sense, intellect, or reality. Bizarre in the extreme.
Anyway, I'm done on this, I think. Move along... nothing to see here....