My SmugMug Site Files (Do Not Delete)???
This gallery just appeared in my "Other" category:
My SmugMug Site Files (Do Not Delete)
with this caption:
"DO NOT DELETE. This gallery was created for you by SmugMug. Please do not delete it, it contains important site files. Don't worry, your admirers will never see it, unless you show it to them."
What in the hoohah is this and is it really necessary? I'm going to have to clear out the "Other" category so I don't have to see this mess. I feel kinda violated. :huh
My SmugMug Site Files (Do Not Delete)
with this caption:
"DO NOT DELETE. This gallery was created for you by SmugMug. Please do not delete it, it contains important site files. Don't worry, your admirers will never see it, unless you show it to them."
What in the hoohah is this and is it really necessary? I'm going to have to clear out the "Other" category so I don't have to see this mess. I feel kinda violated. :huh
If you don't want it, then don't use Easy Customizer. If you want to use Easy Customizer, then Smugmug needs a place to put the images you upload in Easy Customizer. Your choice. There's no violation going on here. Absolutely nothing your visitors see has changed. It's no different than your email program creating a "Sent Mail" folder for you because it needs a place to put sent mail.
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