Deals Gap, Almost Racing

Not on a track, but some of these guys ride it that way.
New to panning, just trying to learn through expiriance.
This girl could really ride, she passed me on one of my runs.

You don't often see the cruisers leaning so low. Most execelent. :clap

That was one purty motorcycle. :thumb

So, um, forget protective gear. I'd have settled on her wearing shoes. :uhoh :cry

My fav of the day. :lust Nothing like the sound of those twins growling. :wink

And finnaly, my own ride. On the way home I took the blue ridge parkway, and this is the highest point on the roadway. It happened to be begging to have it's picture taken, what, with all the sweeeet light around.

All in all, a wonderfull 300+ mile day off, and well spent at that. :thumb
Be Well,
New to panning, just trying to learn through expiriance.
This girl could really ride, she passed me on one of my runs.

You don't often see the cruisers leaning so low. Most execelent. :clap

That was one purty motorcycle. :thumb

So, um, forget protective gear. I'd have settled on her wearing shoes. :uhoh :cry

My fav of the day. :lust Nothing like the sound of those twins growling. :wink

And finnaly, my own ride. On the way home I took the blue ridge parkway, and this is the highest point on the roadway. It happened to be begging to have it's picture taken, what, with all the sweeeet light around.

All in all, a wonderfull 300+ mile day off, and well spent at that. :thumb
Be Well,
"There is a place for me somewhere, where I can write and speak much as I think, and make it pay for my living and some besides. Just where this place is I have small idea now, but I am going to find it" Carl Sandburg
Live life to its fullest you never know whats in your future.
I'm like you know one ever has shot me doing that, and yeah I can
but hard to lean/hang off and take me own piccy :lol4
Good job thanks for sharing
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linky no affiliation, just know of him. So, if you're ever through, check his site a few days later. you just may find yourself! (i'm hoping he got a good one of me, must be a sight to see a guy hang off a bike like mine
I've driven the Dragon in my TT
but it was raining and killboy didn't make it out there until after we left :cry
however... some friends of mine went back that sunday and drove it again.
heres a photo
I absolutely LOVE that drive!!!!
oh and fantastic shots too!!!!!
20D | 300D-IR | EF-S 10-22 | EF-S 18-55 | 50 f/1.8 II | 70-200 f/4L | 17-40L | Lensbaby 2.0 | 250D | 550ex | Gitzo 1257 | RRS BH-40 | RRS L-plates
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