Color correcting???

I was wondering how many of you guys order color correcting on your prints... Is their a need for color corrction? or is there a difference in view when going from web to print? or will they look the same?
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If you use a fully color-managed workflow, only view and assess your images in color-managed applications and fully understand what color management is and how to configure and use it properly.
If you assess and adjust (as required) the color on most every image you put online.
If you know how to measure correct skin tone using numbers and/or comparisons to known references.
Then, you should not use color correction because you will have assured that your images have the colors as you want them to print.
If you are not comfortable with any of the above steps or you have groups of images that you don't take the time to do this with, then you should probably use color correction because it will improve lots of common color mistakes.
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