New slideshow option on the homepage
In the homepage layout button is now a slideshow option. If you pick it, you can then set options for the slideshow without writing code.
There's also an option for a single photo on the homepage or a video on the homepage in the homepage layout menu too.
There's also an option for a single photo on the homepage or a video on the homepage in the homepage layout menu too.
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So what else is new, John?
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Slideshow box, recent photos box, single photo / movie box for homepage.
New stretchy Thumbnails style, to replace allthumbs and traditional. Try it out. Yeah, allthumbs / traditional styles still available in the customize gallery settings still.
Updated Lightbox view, incorporating comments, exif, save photo. This paves the way for us to retire the on-page single image styles one day as well. Lightbox launches from Journal style as well, so you can get photo info, comment, etc.
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Can you embed the new home page slideshow and recent photos code onto another site outside of smugmug? Would be nice.
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Sorry they were delayed.
But are these deprecated to the point of being retired in the future?
If you retire Single Image styles, will there be any style left that can be customized so that only one image appears on it and with all normal page customizations visible? (background, header, footer, description, etc. which are missing from the Lightbox) and you can set up an introduction page full of thumbnails? That's what I get now with All Thumbs plus Single Image.
I always thought Single Image was a great "skeleton" to build pages with. I do love the amazing JavaScript gadgets that Smugmug employs, but for some galleries I want a simple matted fine art look, focusing on the image, without all the eye candy and toys.
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But, if you already have a working slideshow or want to use advanced options (like a border or a clickURL or make it stretchy), you can't do that with the new one. Stick with the one you've already got. This new one was not intended to supercede the custom one and has no advantages over it other than the checkbox UI.
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Further, if you're capable of following directions, there are more features in the custom slideshow.
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The homepage box is for folks that don't come to Dgrin, don't use the Wiki, and are allergic to codes of any kind
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No it doesn't, I was logged in!
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That's pretty sweet, but looks like it only works on a per gallery basis. I wanted to be able to have a "recent photos" slideshow to embed on my main site (outside of smugmug). Then it will constantly be updated on my main site with the photos I upload.
I was using some code a while back that pulled this from the RSS feed and just displayed the thumbnails, but it was kind of funky and I stopped using it.
This is GREAT! Thank you so much for adding the easy slideshow option.
I am currently using a slideshow on my home page based on keyword, and I'd like to know if there is a way for me to customize the order that pictures are shown. For example, if I click the keyword that I'm using for the slideshow, I can see all of the pictures with that keyword. If I was then able to re-order them just like I can in a standard gallery, this would be a very simple way to customize the order of the slideshow. As it is now, I can't seem to find any way to do that.
Thanks in advance for your help!
I wanted to use the new slideshow on homepage feature to eliminate the code from the meta description but I can't because it doesn't allow borders and a few other options.
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Thanks Andy,
I have seen that post before and while it eliminates the code showing on google it doesn't take care of it when sharing in facebook. I know you mentioned in another post just to remove the code part from facebook, but it would be nice not to have to do that.
Also when I ran an SEO analyzer it was saying the meta tag had too many characters which might not be good for some search robots.
- Give us a customization field right in the control panel site-wide-customization for what we want in our metadata. If nothing is entered there, then they can fetch some default text from the bio if they want. But, if we enter something there, then we control what's there and there won't be any more javascript in our metadata.
- Give us a separate customization box (different from the biobox) on the homepage that we can put things in like slideshows. They can keep slurping text from the biobox for metadata, but we won't be putting the slideshow there so this problem won't occur.
- When slurping text from the bioBox, Smugmug should ignore text inside of <script> tags. This would keep the script stuff from getting into the metadata.
With all the recent emphasis on SEO, I'm surprised we still have NO legitimate control over the metadata in our own pages and how our result gets presented on Google. Instead, it's hacked from the bioBox which is our only place for homepage-only customization. There are too many things trying to use the same customization box and thus we can't get what we want in one or the other. We just need separate control over homepage customization and metadata rather than cramming the two into the same object.Homepage • Popular
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