
Artist Jessica Stammen used steel from the collapsed World Trade Center as the base for this 14-pound chalice. She cast a bronze sculpture of a tree trunk to evoke the tree in St. Paul's churchyard (across the street from ground zero) that was struck down in the attacks. Two beams extend from the tree trunk to represent the Twin Towers, and the hands of God cup the top of the chalice.

Thank you Eia
This was taken in St Pauls Mission Church opposite the site of the world trade center. During rescue operations, the church was used as a respite location for first responders and is now somewhat of a memorial to that terrible event. It is well worth a visit if you are in Manhattan as it contains photos and memorabilia from 911. Here is the original SOOC image shot with available light.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks Tom and Azzaro
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)