The Way Home

Some corners, nooks and crannies of the desolation of Tarut ruins still shelter life...


"Snow. Ice. Slow!" "Half-winter. Half-moon. Half-asleep!"
So..there are people actually there or did you put the shoes there?
Very good photo. It is a commanding scene and it exhibits excellent technical execution. Well done.
Very pleased you like it, wendell, thanks very much for your comment!
So, Mary, a human face!!!!???? Who would have thought?!?!?!?!? hehehe:D:D:D I have lived so long with imagining four paws typing your posts, and a wet hairy nose pressed to the screen!
Now, you have put me in a predicament, because I'm glad you look at my pics, but I don't want you to have all these negative reactions you describe when you do. What can I do?
I'll tell you the story. On this Friday afternoon a week ago, I had spent an hour picking my way around the Tarut ruins, and I was deep in the almost black innards of a three storey high heap of rubble that was once an apartment building. I very nearly missed seeing a stairway to my right. I went over and began climbing, barely able to see the end of my nose. On the third turn I was facing what you see in the photo. The light on either side is coming from the sky through the fallen roof and walls. There was a very animated conversation coming from beyond the doors. I took my photos and went back into the darkness. Were they ghosts in a mirage that appeared on those stairs? Or am I the ghost, appearing out of the black stairwell and returning?
Oh, sorry... is it near your bedtime there?
Thanks, Mary, for your encouragement.
It's a buzz to get your positive comment, Azzaro! Thanks!
Thanks R, I know you are a hard man to please, and you can't be bought. The only option I have is to believe you!
Tom, with photography, I'm still very wet behind the ears, so your comments are a big encouragement! Thank you.
Ha! You haven't tried.
Neil........YOu are a photographer, world traveler, writer, a teller of stories......
If I knew your last name would you be a Neil I have heard of????
Maybe write books? ...comics? ..... travel to places like China
to work on writing projects .. or do you just write for grins?
I think the others have pretty much covered the aspects of this image, so I'll not go over those again. I will say there is nothing about this image that needs improvement IMHO. I'd have been proud to have taken this image.
Very nice work
Haha... in my dreams!
Well, there is some resemblance... I have been to China a few times, and a couple other places, I do string a few words together sometimes, some of my photos get some good comments occasionally...
I'm an Aussie, profession is Psychology-Education, living in Saudi ATM.
Must catch up with your recent posts here, but things been just a bit hectic. Soon.
Appreciate that, Randy, thanks!
As I said to Azzaro, will make sure to get back to see your recent posts soon.
Hi Neil
Ok Neil, that story could give me nightmares
I just looked up Tarut. I'm not so haunted anymore. My imagination was running wild about this place. Very interesting place. Dates back so long ago which I find so interesting.
Your photos make me think and thinking is good. I love that your photos show areas from the past in their present form. Makes me wonder who walked that area long ago, who lived there, worked there, happy times, fearful times, etc. I know....I think to much.
Some day I'd love to visit this place. It has so much history and obviously it has hit a part of me that is unexplainable. I know...its weird
Your photos have done what they should do -- spark a thought or mood.
Keep posting them as I'm eager to see more