Hidden Behind Something

He just wouldn't let me get his whole face in a photo.

Mr. Cow came up to visit me while I was sitting in my car.

Even cows like licking ice.

Mr. Cow came up to visit me while I was sitting in my car.

Even cows like licking ice.

Oh yes....that dang winter is coming isn't it :cry
I like the cow too. Especially the one reaching for the ice on the branches. Felt kind of sorry for that cow...wanted a drink, but there wasn't any water nearby.
Thanks for taking a look and commenting
As for the cows...I like cows for some odd reason. Maybe it comes from bottle feeding them when I was younger.
Thanks for taking a look Carrie
Nice job of focus in the pics. Now, what is all that white stuff in the last two images
Hi wendell
#2 -- that poor cow. He wanted some fresh hay from me that day. As for the earring -- some of the cows have 3 of those things. I think it marks who's Momma/Daddy and who knows what else. Should ask one of the ranchers next time I'm out there.
Thanks for taking a look and commenting
Howdy Randy
That white stuff comes with the changing of seasons up north
I took these last year after we had a snow and ice storm. Driving out there was an adventure. Those poor cows were thirsty and hungry. The grasslands is a large area of land, but there are a bunch of windmills/water scattered around. These cows just happened to be a distance from them and the ice made it hard for them to walk. Temp that day was below zero...burrrrrr. Lucky for me my camera loves the cold.
Thanks for takin' a look and the time to comment
That must be it
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)