second page on all Thumbs problem
I usually custom choose for all thumbs in my galleries [in customize settings.
Read your note about the change. I chose it properly, the thumbs are fine on my first gallery page, but when you click on a photo it opens to almost a blank + busy page bkgrnd. No place for me to title it below, and choice for comment missing--why more clicks????Why hide that???see samples here, I will start by posting two pages I see previously, and now since your changes. [I'm not sure I like the click on box dropdown for exif, etc., I don't think people enjoy clicking] How do I go about having my new gallery to match the old ones when someone clicks on a photo? I also like to add a title sometimes and the opened photo is much more unappealing and busy.

and when you open a photo it was like this:[preferred]

and now this: [which is totally unappealing to me, plus no title line or communication by owner.]

and after clicking::scratch and where is an owner saving too? Was this added for people who don't allow right clicks? I don't get this page...the photo gets mixed up with a busy background, etc. Not pretty and no title allowed now? thnx for any comments. Oh, and where is the drop down now for edit with picnic and color changes? Thats missing, and the photo looks dumb on the left it should be centered when viewing. The pop up for exif was a much better idea. ;~)
I usually custom choose for all thumbs in my galleries [in customize settings.
Read your note about the change. I chose it properly, the thumbs are fine on my first gallery page, but when you click on a photo it opens to almost a blank + busy page bkgrnd. No place for me to title it below, and choice for comment missing--why more clicks????Why hide that???see samples here, I will start by posting two pages I see previously, and now since your changes. [I'm not sure I like the click on box dropdown for exif, etc., I don't think people enjoy clicking] How do I go about having my new gallery to match the old ones when someone clicks on a photo? I also like to add a title sometimes and the opened photo is much more unappealing and busy.

and when you open a photo it was like this:[preferred]

and now this: [which is totally unappealing to me, plus no title line or communication by owner.]

and after clicking::scratch and where is an owner saving too? Was this added for people who don't allow right clicks? I don't get this page...the photo gets mixed up with a busy background, etc. Not pretty and no title allowed now? thnx for any comments. Oh, and where is the drop down now for edit with picnic and color changes? Thats missing, and the photo looks dumb on the left it should be centered when viewing. The pop up for exif was a much better idea. ;~)

Does that help?
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I still don't like the photo going over to the left though when someone clicks on exif and info. But I'll live through it, lol.
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