Car Magazine

Woohoo! My photo is on the cover and a couple others inside too. I'm looking forward to seeing it in print!
The regular photographer was out of town and a friend of the family called me with 5 minutes warning. I grabbed my camera and ran out the door. I've never shot anything like this before, but it was a really fun experience.

Thanks for looking!
Edit: Here is a link to the magazine -
The regular photographer was out of town and a friend of the family called me with 5 minutes warning. I grabbed my camera and ran out the door. I've never shot anything like this before, but it was a really fun experience.

Thanks for looking!
Edit: Here is a link to the magazine -
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
That is an excellent picture!
Can we see the ones on the inside?
I'm very excited for you!!!
Congratulations and nice shot.
I had a fast look at your web site. Very nice work!
Congratulations, what a great story, and what a great shot!!!
Burleson, Texas
Thank you!
Thanks, Andrew!
Thanks, Eia!
Here is a link for the magazine:
Thanks! I didn't get to drive the car. :cry It was fun to ride around in.
Thank you, Richard!
Thank you very much, Sam!
Thank you, Craig! I was lucky to have that great sky.
Thank you, Randy!
Love your Oil and Water shots. Can you tell me how you did those?
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
Thanks Aaron!
Here is the link from Adorama on how to do the oil & water shots -
I used a large glass bowl and wrapping paper for my shots. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with!
I already tried some
Thanks for the link though.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion