Electronic Funds Transfer - very disappointed
I was delighted to receive an email titled [SmugMug] Status Updated: Electronic Payment about SM starting the move to offer electronic payment.
This delight soon changed to disappointment when I read the link that said SM were only moving towards offering electronic payment to US photographers.
Once again SM customers outside the US are left out.
This delight soon changed to disappointment when I read the link that said SM were only moving towards offering electronic payment to US photographers.
Once again SM customers outside the US are left out.
I'm sorry you're disappointed, but please hang in there.
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If you can integrate with Paypal for paying us, can you integrate with Paypal to collect payments from our customers (and solve at leats some of the intl currency support issues that way?)
I know you can't tell me if you are doing it, but can you at least confirm if there's a horrible showstopper I haven't considered with this approach?
Cheers - N
http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
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I've just been looking at the feature requests on http://smugmug.uservoice.com/pages/17723-smugmug and a few of the things of particular interest to me (and other non-US pros) are quite high on the requested features list.
For example, all these are on the first page - some quite high:
UK/European Lab
Multi Currency
Electronic Payment (started by a non-US smugmugger)
However none of these is in 'started' or 'planned' status (OK - I know the electronic payment one is - but not for the person who created the feature request).
At the same time, many items much lower in the pecking order (even on page 6 or maybe higher - I haven't looked further) are either 'planned' or 'started'.
So - I wonder how much weight you actually give to the feature requests ? I know from previous comments here that three of the four I've listed are not high on your 'to-do' list.
Wedding Photographer Dublin
As I said, we plan on paying int'l pros electronically, but we need to get the US pros done first.
Foreign currency is something we'd love to do but we have a tremendous amount of stuff ahead of that. I'm sorry.
EDIT: Also, we have a lot of sorcerers - many with different specialties. So just because a feature is being worked on, doesn't mean we're dissing another feature - part of the decision is who does what....
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Ranked very highly on customers wish lists, but not important enough to push up to even a planned implementation / timeframe
For some users ( all the non US photographers Ive spoken to ) this is the ONE thing that is either stopping them from joining Smugmug OR it is the ONE thing that is making them consider leaving Smugmug.
Why this still after many years just gets pushed under the carpet is a bad business decision.
There are no other features in the planning stage that are as important to myself and many others than this one feature