These are great Eia you PP really worked well here. My favorite is the first, if you went to sleep looking up at that, one would surely have some beautiful dreams.
Great job.
These are great Eia you PP really worked well here. My favorite is the first, if you went to sleep looking up at that, one would surely have some beautiful dreams.
Great job.
Thanks for your kind comment! I believe you are right - what a way to fall asleep!
I really like the whole series but especially like the composition in #3...the vivid colors of life from the trees in direct contrast to the headstones of the cemetery. Fantastic set!
I really like the whole series but especially like the composition in #3...the vivid colors of life from the trees in direct contrast to the headstones of the cemetery. Fantastic set!
Thanks for the kind comment. I thought the same thing; the 'lively' colors against the tombstones. This cemetery really is beautiful.
I really like the treatment you have applied here.....makes these colors positively jump. Very creative and nicely done.
Take care,
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Facebook Fan Page
Great job.
Thanks for your kind comment! I believe you are right - what a way to fall asleep!
Sure I'll share! Just sharpened it then gave it a gaussian blur.
Thanks for your comment!
I LOVE these
One foot in photography, the other in painting
Wow - thanks for that comment!
Wonderfully done, love the colors and tones, and the comps really are so
appealing to the eye.
Love Those Colors!!!
Burleson, Texas
Hey thanks Panther for the comment. The colors really were something!
Thanks Eia
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Thank you for commenting. Ha Ha - yea - the cemetery looks very peaceful!:D
Member: PPA, PPAM
Thanks for the kind comment. I thought the same thing; the 'lively' colors against the tombstones. This cemetery really is beautiful.