Glad you liked the photo. It was just a happenstance shot. I had gone to a heritage festival in a neighboring town and was just walking down the street when I saw the skeleton in the window of an old house across the street. I just took a quick snapshot of it. The image is in infrared as you may have noticed the hedge in the lower left corner is white. I should have used manual focus also as the focus is a little soft. The leaded glass window just added to the effect.
for PP is just converted it to grayscale adjusted the levels, played with the brightness and contrast, and did a little sharpen.
Your title makes this photograph hysterical.
I had me a nice laugh when I opened your post.
The photo by itself is a very cool shot and spooky--but your title selection just makes it so funny.
for PP is just converted it to grayscale adjusted the levels, played with the brightness and contrast, and did a little sharpen.