abstract photo
I'm a virgin here at dgrin so be gentle with me! My favorite theme in photos is abstract, or aka what is it???. I took this one yesterday and no it's not zombie brains!
Thanks for any feedback!
Chicago, Fort Worth, Bolivar Peninsula

Thanks for any feedback!
Chicago, Fort Worth, Bolivar Peninsula
Cool shot though. Welcome aboard.
This waiting around to find out the answer to "what is this?" is going to kill me! Not good with the suspense and I'm 100% baffled as to what I'm looking at---My best three guesses:
1. Some kind of bell pepper with cheese.
2. Green worms
3. Some kind of seaweed.
Or maybe I just need glasses.
Please post bigger next time so we can really get the full effect.
Oh and welcome to posting on Dgrin:D !
It does look organic, but I don't have a clue as to what it is. One of the things that makes it difficult is that there is nothing to give you a sense of scale--is it a macro?
It's a smashed ( I found it that way) Horse Apple from a Bois D'Arc Tree. Here's a photo of another one from the same place.
I don't have a macro lens, that's my next purchase. Thanks so much for all the input! There are more of these on my website.
AHA! I was close
Thanks for not making me wait another day.
Looking forward to the next round.
PS--I like your disclosure "found it that way" lol--sure ya did.
Welcome, I took a quick look at your web site, and there is one thing that does bug me.
It might just be me, but I normally leave a site that uses large distracting watermarks. Perhaps think about a smaller less obtrusive mark that will allow a viewer to see clearly see your image yet still have a watermark that identifies you as the copyright holder and discourages unauthorized use.
Thanks for the input Sam! I'm still new to this smugmug thing and I am trying to work out the details.
I faded the watermark quite a bit. You might look and see if it's any better or I welcome any suggestions on how to fix it.
I am by NO means an expert on anything. Protecting images from unauthorized use is never going to be 100% effective.
Watermarking is a balance between an attempt to mark the image in such a way as to discourage theft but not discourage purchase.
Each needs to make up there own mind on this. I prefer a subtle watermark at the bottom of the image to identify me and yet allow the viewer the ability to see the image as intended. You can limit the size displayed along with the watermark so when they do get their grubby little hands on it they can't really get a nice print.
Our efforts here merely keep the impulsive and honest people honest. IF they really want the image they will get it.
I liked your photo -- look forward to seeing more