#36 Is he creepy?
Long-time lurker, first-time at posting a photo. Looking for feedback on a potential entry for #36. What do you think?
Long-time lurker, first-time at posting a photo. Looking for feedback on a potential entry for #36. What do you think?

This face is definately creepy. I like the shadows on the left side of the face, but the right is a little blown out--Can you reshoot? If you can reshoot work with cropping and lighting--
It definately has potential--the eyes are very sinister looking.
All in all I think it's a great idea and he's a pretty creepy guy.
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Oh, and welcome to dgrin!
Not sure about a reshoot, as I may not be able to get to the mask by the time the challenge is over. I may play with it more.
I do have another idea for a photo, though. I guess it just depends on my time this week and whether I can get my hand on a trifle dish.