San Francisco Pet Pride

Pet Pride is dogs in costumes basically. Here are some pics plus some agility pics.
50mm 1.4
70-200 2.8 from

#2 Pinata chihuahua

#3 Royal pugs

#4 Queen pug

#5 King Mutt


#7 Castro Pomeranian


#9 Superpuppy

#10 Pug

#11 Overexposed puppy

#12 Not sure what this costume is

#13 A cute pitbull

#14 A pimp dog

#15 A hotdog

#16 This dog saved this man's life, literally.

#17 My favorite pic. Him looking up at his loved one.

#18 Busy Bee dogs agility



#21 rolling over in unison



50mm 1.4
70-200 2.8 from

#2 Pinata chihuahua

#3 Royal pugs

#4 Queen pug

#5 King Mutt


#7 Castro Pomeranian


#9 Superpuppy

#10 Pug

#11 Overexposed puppy

#12 Not sure what this costume is

#13 A cute pitbull

#14 A pimp dog

#15 A hotdog

#16 This dog saved this man's life, literally.

#17 My favorite pic. Him looking up at his loved one.

#18 Busy Bee dogs agility



#21 rolling over in unison




Canon XSi
The clothes aren't really my bag, but your pictures are technically pretty darned good; nice job!
#2 is a favourite, with the expressions of the people, and the use of differential focus. I particularly like #18-24 and mentioned this to one of my cats sitting in front of the computer screen, and he just got up and walked out of the room (snooty bastard!
Thanks for sharing!
- Wil
PS: #23 is the best of the bunch (IMNSHO)