Animated gif question
I have a few time-lapse images as animated gifs. The last batch doesn't work in SmugMug view, while others did. I think that they are small enough that they should.
For example, this one works in the SmugMug view:
But this one does not:
If you click on the image it animates:
It's not a gallery setting - I put a copy of this one into the gallery that works, and it still doesn't animate.
Any thoughts?
For example, this one works in the SmugMug view:
But this one does not:
If you click on the image it animates:
It's not a gallery setting - I put a copy of this one into the gallery that works, and it still doesn't animate.
Any thoughts?
View at original size
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I had this problem once before, and it was a size issue on the original. I'll experiment a bit, but I don't think that's the issue here.
These are small sized originals. 500, 600, and 800 pixels on the long side. So if the window is large enough (often not the case for the 800 pix versions), the SmugMug view shows the original size.
For the 'working' images, it animates in the SmugMug view. For the others, it doesn't. Viewing at original size show the animation, though the size (on the screen) is the same as in SmugMug View.
Maybe something changed with how the 'original' size preview is created - when I get the chance, I'll try re-uploading a 'working' gif.
I figured out the issue. Where as before when you had an original size that was equal to say the large size, when you click on large size or linked to -L the animation would work, but now you must link or view at Original size for the animation to work, that was not the case before with animated gifs.
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I had actually used this in a couple different spots on 2 smugmug sites.
Thanks bham. So maybe this is a feature request. Or a "bring the bug back" request. It would be nice if the animation showed for the SmugMug view if the file size is small enough.
Though if this is a feature request, I'd request for the thumbnails, or at least the smaller SmugvMug views, to be animated as well.
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Posted here:
My hack is slow, because it uses JavaScript to grab the RSS feed, parse it, format it, and display it in the browser. Meanwhile, people are looking at a static "Loading..." graphic.
Putting an animated "Loading..." image (like here) gave people a warm fuzzy feeling that something was happening, but this "fix" apparently breaks the ability to upload an animated gif.
I guess I can try finding an animated gif that's a little bigger. Not sure if SmugMug will simply replace that with a jpg as well. :-{
For what it's worth, your link shows both the thumbnail and the main photo as an animated gif. In fact, all the display copies of the image are animated. My guess that's happening as your original is smaller than any of our display / thumbnail sizes.
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Hi Sebastian:
That's because I whined about it on IRC and Cabbey made a copy of the image from my other loading gallery. (Thanks Cab!)
But if you try downloading the original of that GIF, then uploading it, you won't be able to get an animated original *or* thumbnail, yes, because of the reasons you site. But I'm saying that if the original is smaller, you should *not* upsize it. Upsizing looks awful.