#36 Artsy vs Eek! Warning: worms

Which one do you like best? Comments?
Perplexed Periwinkle

Creeping from the Light

Squirmicelli with Dirt Sauce
Perplexed Periwinkle

Creeping from the Light

Squirmicelli with Dirt Sauce

Well, now that I've reopened this page, I cant' see your images--so I will do this from memory--about the images being gone (that happens on my computer sometimes).
Your image is def crawly--but you can make it creepy too by maybe putting a fork in the worm dinner--maybe even wind the spaghetti er worms around the fork.
Also the lighting could be improved a bit--maybe you can play with it with some in PP. I will log back in later to see if the images are up to comment further.
I really like your idea
I may not have time to reshoot, though. We've had a hard frost and the worms are gone.
Aww too bad about the worms.
Ok --I'm not good with PP, so I hope others will chime in--but can you somehow reduce the flash bouncing off the spoon, it's a little distracting.
Also with the worms being the main subject, can you work with the crop so that it's not smack in the middle of the frame.
Also to make matters more confusing
Wish I could be more helpful.
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