DS #36 - Nothing :-/

So... the red wigglers resulted in an epic fail - they were too small, did not enjoy being on a dry surface under a lamp, and I needed a macro lens. Oh well, they are now in happy wormy paradise in my compost bin.
Next idea is a reshoot of something like this as these are not fresh:
1. (need to emphasize that gravestone in the middle next time around)

2. (with some processing?)

3. (this one displaced letter hanging out all by itself near that little pool of light was a little disturbing)

There's also a really freaky pig statue next to one of the modern graves, maybe I can get a shot of that...
Worth pursuing?
Next idea is a reshoot of something like this as these are not fresh:
1. (need to emphasize that gravestone in the middle next time around)

2. (with some processing?)

3. (this one displaced letter hanging out all by itself near that little pool of light was a little disturbing)

There's also a really freaky pig statue next to one of the modern graves, maybe I can get a shot of that...
Worth pursuing?
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#1 is too beautiful to be creepy for me.
#2 so so
#3 you are right in that the single upturned (part of a tombstone?--part of a giant scrabble set?) is a little creepy--but I don't think enough.
#4 Your pig statue sounds like it might have potential.
I think if you go and reshoot you could probably find something there--although beautiful, it does have that creep factor. Can't wait to see.
Would some processing help? Maybe?
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So when you do perhaps you can shoot in lower light conditions to make them spookier. With the light as is #1 is just pretty, but maybe if you shot when the sun was going down, it would be much better (spooky wise)--I am watching Halloween while I type this btw--so in major creep out mode here.
I keep going back to one--I really think with lower light it could be spooky, you think you can get a lone male figure there with you to maybe stand off in the distance almost a silhoutte and so you are not alone when it gets dark muahahahaha. Ok sorry--must get back to Halloween--it made me scream out loud about 10 minutes ago--the suspense and music is killer.
PS--yes I think processing could enhance these photos and the ones you reshoot quite bit---it is a good idea.
Man! Why must the women always be half naked when Michael or Jason are about to go in for the kill? Note to the half naked women, do NOT ignore your growling barking dog!
I know! Gotta love Hollywood...
Note to self: remain fully clothed to avoid Michael and/or Jason encounters. Check!
Anyway, yeah - that's a good idea. I'll see if I can get someone out there with me for the reshoot, and I can definitely tone down the lighting and pretty colors in PP. Maybe I should find an area with more spanish moss...
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