How do I disable the new SAVE Photo op, or
I checked my customized settings and I do have the [older] Share button disabled as I wanted. But when I logged out and clicked on my photos as a visitor would, I see the Save Photo button available for anyone. Is there a new place to disable this? And what is the purpose of that Save Photo button when we can right click to do that?....or...
Another question, if I'm guessing right, the Save Photo is only available because most people disable 'right click copy' and the owners need that source for instance in posting web link photos elsewhere, etc?
If that is correct, then I can now disable the 'right click copy' but still be able to use the url of a photo elsewhere as a link?
BTW thanx also for the domain help. With the fine help of Smugmug and Godaddy, I now have my domain name connected to my Galleries. Painlessly, once I got my domain transferred to Go Daddy!:barb
Another question, if I'm guessing right, the Save Photo is only available because most people disable 'right click copy' and the owners need that source for instance in posting web link photos elsewhere, etc?
If that is correct, then I can now disable the 'right click copy' but still be able to use the url of a photo elsewhere as a link?
BTW thanx also for the domain help. With the fine help of Smugmug and Godaddy, I now have my domain name connected to my Galleries. Painlessly, once I got my domain transferred to Go Daddy!:barb
Set largest size to anything but Original in gallery settings.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
can [I}the gallery owner right click and copy a photo url for a forum post and will it allow viewing if I have the right click disabled in my gallery?tnx
.notLoggedIn #shareButton {display: none;}
and leave easy sharing on in your gallery settings.
Visitors won't get the button, only you.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Hello Andy, I do wonder if there is another option to hide the "Save Photo"
Link. I do like to have the possibility of the Original, as I do a lot of panorama photos with lots of detail.
For the time being I want to have the site as plain as possible.
Thanks for all the other new features and fixes.
hope someone can help me out on this one.
Kind regards, Ernst
In addition, the original is not used for display purposes unless the viewer goes to the lightbox window and explicitly selects it. And if they do that, I would argue that they will see less of your photo, not more, since the dislayed image won't fit on most screens.
Set your largest size to X3Large, as Andy suggested.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Thank you a lot, I did not know this fact about the Original.
So I will adjust as recommended, great help. Thank you.