2 of my all time favs
from long ago,.....

I think these are 3 summers ago!!! Trying to clean hard drive space - always fighting for more space, and I hate burning things to cd, as I then think they are gone, gone , gone.....

I think these are 3 summers ago!!! Trying to clean hard drive space - always fighting for more space, and I hate burning things to cd, as I then think they are gone, gone , gone.....
I back up to CD, but keep the catalog on my local HD as well. They sit in a binder (the CDs) and I'm in there constantly. When I get a DVD, then it's clean up time.
I've learned a lot in post processing over the last couple of years, and now a lot of images I thought were hopeless are actually salvagable.
Both those flower shots are fantastic, BTW.
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
"Osprey Whisperer"
My hair raises on my arms though when I hear you say that you hate backing up on cd...
I have found a good way of working between computer and storage solutions, I mean backing up and only keep the latest on the computer.
If you don't back up, one day your computer WILL fail you and the loss will be big.
I use Portfolio from Extensis, and have a master folder (running stuff that I still need daily".
All my other pics have been burned on CD or DVD, but I have do have an archive gallery in Portfolio, where I add all the stuff that is gone the computer
onto CD or DVD.
That way I do have previews on my computer (which are only 72 DPI, screen version, but very clear to see) which have a linking path to the files on CD's. So if I double click a preview of a file that is already gone from the computer and onto CD, it tells me what CD I need to get acces to the original.
My master folder is a "watch" folder/smart folder, which changes and lets me know if anything has changed. The files are in the watch folder for around a month, then they go off the computer, on CD or DVD and are added to the archive gallery.
It took me a year to find a good working way, but this works really well.
I prefer portfolio over ViewMediaPro and iPhoto.
I lost a hard disk two years ago, so I have become carefull with backups.
Thanks. I really like these - from the trusty ol' 707!
These represent 50% of my total potds ever!
Of course I haven't entered all that many times.
WRT backing up, I can easily write things to cd. It is then deleting them from the hard drive that is my problem! I have my first year or so worth of digital photos on cds somewhere, but the got lost in the move and I have absolutely no idea where they are now. That is my fear - loosing the cd or having the data overwritten.
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Both of these are superb!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thank you!
I guess I have not been burned by not backing up so am rahter laze fair about it. I have to put the photos onto cd now as I am struggling with lack of memory daily. I just worry, as I've mentioned to Dee, that the cds will get lost. This I've experienced, so it is more of a reality than computer failure I guess!
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You know I was not going to put these up in this house because the color scheme here is different, but I think I will gather up a whole lot of my botanicals and make a gallery.
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