#43 challenge Pic

Took the picture of a passion flower tendril Yesterday. I used a bit of dodge on the web in the centre and then noticed it looked like a figure. Cropped the pic a bit and removed some excess web from the outside curve (not the centre). I assume this is allowed?
Does it work?
Brian V.
Does it work?
Brian V.

Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I wonder though if you could reshoot without the cobwebs. I find the webs detracting from what you really want to show us, which is I presume the curves.
What a beautiful shot... If it would be the curves without the webs, you have a winner in my book. (I hope this is not emotional blackmail)
You may be right about the cobwebs, but I thought it was a bit boring without them.
Brian V.
This is a nice shot which is nicely cropped. It certainly says "CURVES"!!
Thanks Mitchell, Not sure I can get any more DOF it was shot at f14 and any more sturation gives even more blown highlights. Here is the shot without cobwebs. Unfortunately I can't take the shot again as these things grow pretty fast.
Brian V.
Ok changed my mind and replaced image in competition with something completely different
see http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=133474&postcount=2
Did I make the right decision?
Brian V.
don't think so dude, your replacement is a fab shot but is further away from curves... I like your first choice better. The second one has tiny curves, but you have to look for them really close... The first pic had CURVES written all over it. I am sure you can come up with some more... and some better idea's too. I believe in you
Brian V.