Watchman Sunset

Here's another iconic view from Zion, the Watchman, shot at sunset. Despite having seemingly nice clouds, we never got the color in the sky that we had hoped for. But that won't stop me from posting a couple of my best shots from that evening.

The "Watchman" is the peak that's lit up in this view.

Funny story. We were shooting from a bridge above the river, and shoulder-to-shoulder with probably a dozen other photographers waiting for the sunset. Every once in a while, some completely oblivious people would go down to the river and start hanging out right in everybody's compositions. The longer they stayed, the more annoyed the photographers got. One clueless photographer even set up a tripod and starting shooting pictures right at the rivers edge, until getting booed out of there. In one of my pictures above, there's an entire family resting by the river which has been replaced with a shrub. You'd think after a while they'd become self-conscious hanging out in front of a dozen cameras on tripods, but maybe that's just me. :giggle
Comments and critiques are always welcome.

The "Watchman" is the peak that's lit up in this view.

Funny story. We were shooting from a bridge above the river, and shoulder-to-shoulder with probably a dozen other photographers waiting for the sunset. Every once in a while, some completely oblivious people would go down to the river and start hanging out right in everybody's compositions. The longer they stayed, the more annoyed the photographers got. One clueless photographer even set up a tripod and starting shooting pictures right at the rivers edge, until getting booed out of there. In one of my pictures above, there's an entire family resting by the river which has been replaced with a shrub. You'd think after a while they'd become self-conscious hanging out in front of a dozen cameras on tripods, but maybe that's just me. :giggle
Comments and critiques are always welcome.
Bart Williams
As far as people crawling along the river, that's happened every time I've been there. It's more understandable when it's just normal people playing in and along the river, but not excusable for photographers (for two reasons: it's rude, and even more importantly, the compositions aren't nearly as good from down there!).
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Agreed, though they are all wonderful in my opinion!
A lover of all things photography.
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What people?, I can't see any
When I was there I did not have any photographers down there, but two deer come up along the hill on the right for about 15 minutes, right after sunrise. I kept hoping they would walk over by the river bank so they would get into my shot, but to no avail...
#2 is begging to be framed and hung up!!
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Work hard, play harder. bloggy
Thanks for the compliments, Bart. No GND as I don't own one yet (maybe some day?) At least half the folks shooting the scene were using them though. Instead, I used a "software gnd", by using Photomatix "exposure fusion", which combines the photos, but doesn't do any tone mapping.
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Why thank you, sir!
Thanks, Ron. We could have used a bit more light on the sandstone, but I tend to be a glutton about those things, so I'll shut up. :giggle
The photog down by the river seemed to actually be shooting into the river. Not quite sure what was up with that.
Thanks, Sexy6Chick! I appreciate that.
Thanks, Eia. I wish that light has lasted. It was there for literally only seconds.
Thanks, Shimon. Fortunately, the family of four were all standing together when I took this shot. Just for funnies, I widened the spot healing tool so it encompassed all of them at once, and clicked just to see what would happen. Voila they all vanished, and it took some careful inspection for me to figure out what it had done. It had actually cloned a bush from surprisingly far away in the scene and planted it right where they stood. I don't know if that was serendipity, or some serious smarts going on behind the scene in Photoshop, but it was damn impressive.
Thanks, Daveman! Oh, the deer would have been amazing. You said "sunrise", did you mean sunset?
Thanks, Chris. Maybe I'll do that.
Thanks, Wirehunt! We've got plenty of that here on the east coast as well where I grew up. I really love the wide open spaces of the southwest here. Of course, I've seen pictures of New Zealand, and all that greenery in the gorges are breathtaking, so you don't get much sympathy from me.
Thanks, Gorio! I like the sunstar too. Multiple exposure, but not HDR. Are the trees soft? Could be some motion in there, although the tool is supposed to minimize that. I used less sharpening on these because Ron told me my previous shots were oversharpened, so you just can't win.
Here's a 100% crop from the center of the shot. I dunno, is this soft?
Thanks for the comments, everybody.
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Hard to choose between #1 and #2 for me--but I keep going back to the sunstar in #1. Awesome!
Lauren Blackwell
Thanks, Lauren. #1 seems to be to winner by popular demand.
Thanks for checking in.
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Thanks, Dan.
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It doesn't look soft to me, but you may need a lens clean, high right in the cloud. Is that a spot or funny cloud?
Work hard, play harder. bloggy
Sensor dust. Good eye!
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Here is a behind the scenes (cell phone camera) view of some of those photographers that were lined up on the bridge:
I really liked your Shots ..
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Thanks, Ali! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your shots as well.
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