heres the question, I own a Canon Digital Rebel XT, i do own am UV filter as well, I'd like to buy some filters, short on money should i go for a ND filter first, or polarizer, I'm planning to shot a lot of sceneries pictures(moving in scotland soon - lot of haze :uhoh) Eventually I'd like to own a ND filter, a polarizer filter and an IR filter as well.
wichi one suits my needs the best?:uhoh
wichi one suits my needs the best?:uhoh
I think if you move to Scotland that the ND would be extremely handy. On overcast days (which you have a lot of in Scotland) you can take out a bit of the overlighting of the clouds and light on your subject more.
The polarizer is interesting too of course, but works best on blue or semi blues skies. If you would go to New Mexico, I would advize to go for the polarizer, but since that is not your trip, I would suggest the ND (the strongest one even)
thanks a lot! I'm moving in scotland for one year even more i think it'll be very handy
Is there any scottish grinner here? There'll be one soon
...and you'll find more specific recommendations.
Order wise, circular polarizing filter followed by the ND then IR.