Invoice in the box?

Silly question: When I order a set of prints on behalf of a client and have it shipped directly to them is there an invoice in the box that shows the prices I paid? Or does it simply have the prints?
I do not want them to see how much I mark up my product.
Thanks for the quick reply I know is coming! :lust
I do not want them to see how much I mark up my product.
Thanks for the quick reply I know is coming! :lust
A client's grandmother doesn't do the internet. So she asked me to order her prints for her and have them shipped to her. I took a check personally and ordered her prints at my cost and want the lab to ship it directly to her. Will the invoice included show the price I paid for the prints?
There is no invoice in the package, only a packing slip.
Your credit card statement/invoice that you got when ordering is the thing that shows the prices paid. If YOU ordered the prints, YOU will get the invoice with cost prices on it. Same if a client themselves orders. They get the invoice by email with the prices paid. They never see your cost.
Ah thanks so much. This is exactly the answer I needed!
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