Selling videos online... looking for SmugMug-like service!

Hi y'all. I'm wondering if anyone has used a service/system where they are able to sell videos online. Since the SmugMug/Animoto partnership did not include the ability to sell videos, I'm looking for an easy way to make that happen.
Option 1 - I can create my own website for purchasing videos, and offer digital delivery through Google Checkout. This page is wonderfully helpful, but absurdly daunting. Yuk.
Option 2 - I can find some sort of website that offers video hosting/selling, much like the way that SmugMug offers it for photos. Has anyone used a site like that? Any advice?
Option 3 - I can wait for SmugMug to allow the selling of video files.
I'm open to ideas, suggestions, etc. While the Animoto videos make for nice marketing, I'm still looking for a way to make them profitable.
Option 1 - I can create my own website for purchasing videos, and offer digital delivery through Google Checkout. This page is wonderfully helpful, but absurdly daunting. Yuk.
Option 2 - I can find some sort of website that offers video hosting/selling, much like the way that SmugMug offers it for photos. Has anyone used a site like that? Any advice?
Option 3 - I can wait for SmugMug to allow the selling of video files.
I'm open to ideas, suggestions, etc. While the Animoto videos make for nice marketing, I'm still looking for a way to make them profitable.
Matt Dudley
Matt Dudley Photography
Nashville child photographer
Twitter: @mattdudleyphoto
Matt Dudley Photography
Nashville child photographer
Twitter: @mattdudleyphoto
Let me know if you find a great online alternative to selling the vids. So far we've been hearing from a lot of our users that they kick off proof sessions with clients with an Animoto vid, and sell the vid within that context. Would love to hear how it can be done via the web.
I agree that selling them on SmugMug is imperative.
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Keith - Champion Photo
I'd like to see a service for videos that does what itunes did for music. That would be the killer app and make a whole new genre. In fact...something like this would even kill youtube...looks like I just gave away another great idea...
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Hey Becky.
Any update on this?
Matt Dudley Photography
Nashville child photographer
Twitter: @mattdudleyphoto