no more than 40 pix

Hi - I have the Smugmug Basic account. For the past three days I've been trying to upload my pictures but it will only upload 40 in the set. I can submit more pictures to the set but it only shows 40. There's no error message when uploading pictures either. I tried deleting a few and then readding but now the count is 37 and won't show others that I've tried to upload.
Help plz
Help plz
Howdy Abi, I see quite a number of errors in your upload log:
Could it be that the 40 images it's showing are all the ones that successfully uploaded, and all the missing ones are accounted for in those errors?
(p.s. great fall foliage shots!)
If the problem continues, shoot us an email to the help desk:
i can understand now why i might be having these problems as my file sizes are most likely above 12MB. I'll go home and try to compress them and then upload them.
Thank you!