#36 Which one to choose ?
I knew I'd love this contest theme... I did not realize I'd have several ideas... Any help, comment and critique would be more than welcome 
I used an old abandoned abbey lost in the countryside as a background (just love these old stones though I hate to see it being vandalized month after month...)? The last one comes from the older part of the city graveyard.
I tried to get a gothic mood and the titles may still be changed...
Thanks !
#1 Ad vitam aeternam

#2 Libera Me

#3 Et Lux in Tenebris...

#4 De profundis...

I used an old abandoned abbey lost in the countryside as a background (just love these old stones though I hate to see it being vandalized month after month...)? The last one comes from the older part of the city graveyard.
I tried to get a gothic mood and the titles may still be changed...
Thanks !
#1 Ad vitam aeternam

#2 Libera Me

#3 Et Lux in Tenebris...

#4 De profundis...

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"Liberame" rocks--the shadow figure just works.
"Et Lux Tenebris" also works---is that a figure crouching down on the left? That's what I see. For me it's that figure that makes it work (you know just a hint of a subject) are they good, bad, victims, psychos? I very much like the not knowing and wondering? For this contest anyway, not in real life
"De profundis" is beautiful--I'm not as spooked by it because of its beauty, but it does have a somewhat creepy factor. Great job on these!
Like the titles too.
Remind me never ever to visit your neck of the woods---Transylvannia is it?
Just went back to "De profundis"--ok now i'm creeped out--it's the hint of the sun or moon.
If it's the sun it's as though the sun is about to be covered up and we will lose light, and OMG what is going to happen now? If it's the moon, it's as though it's a sign of bad things to come--2,3,4 all work--good luck choosing.
I see your a fellow Olympus fan--I like you already
Great job with all of them!
Where is this abandoned Abbey? Somewhere in Paris?
Los Angeles dance photographer
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It's the sun that you can see through the clouds / mist. So I'm afraid we will lose the light...
No this abbey is lost in the countryside in eastern France. In Lorraine, not too far away from Verdun, if you know the place
I have deepend the shadow in #3 and it's indeed a crouching down child that you can see on the left.
Here are new version of both #2 and #3 :
This one's to get the shadow a little finer.
And this one's to deepen the shadow on the ground.
I'm currently torn between these 2...
I can see why. They're both really good. It's hard to choose but I'm kind of leaning toward #1?
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I liked your original more than 3.1
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I wish I could find some more places like this...